
Is the bit i have now right for my horse?

by  |  earlier

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i dont know alot about bits

i have a barrel horse and right now she is using a chain bit, that looks something like this

she is great at turning, but sometimes has trouble with stopping. if she really wants to go sometimes you cant stop her, and i have a little trouble stopping her at the end of a run. but the thing is i dont want to go to a harder bit actually want to be able to get her in the lightest bit possible, but maybe the bit she has right now is good? any suggestions?




  1. the problem might be that shes not used to it if its new. leave it in there an hour before and after you ride her till it works more efficiently! trust me ive had that problem with mine!

  2. If you were to stop her at the chutes, would she run into them or stop?  You might want to slow down a bit, when you aren't competing, and see what she does if you are trotting right into the chutes and ask her to stop...if she stops, try it at a canter, not fast...if it works, you may even be able to speed it up a little, as by now, she knows that you aren't going to pull off, that you are going to let her run into the chutes if she doesn't stop...this alone may solve your problem...otherwise, another thing that you can do is slow down again, and get her used to turning to the left, EVERY TIME that you finish the pattern, and go into a circle, smaller and smaller until she stops.. If you do this, you will want to make sure that you ALWAYS TURN TO THE LEFT, ALWAYS DO IT THE SAME WAY...that way, she won't go one way and you the other some day.  I don't know if you use skid boots or not, but sometimes a horse won't stop when running real fast is that they have done it before and burned themselves enough that they won't stop any more.

  3. Bits dont come with whoa from the factory, that is training issues and your horse needs to go back into training to learn it.

    Just take your horse to patterns again and stop competing and work her on whoaing.  Go back to using the fence for brakes and using your backing techniques and get this solid before racing.

    Your right you dont want a harsher bit.. you want the bit that gets the job done with the least resistence.  Going up in bits will only make a more hard faced horse.  

    You only increase bit leverage when the horse is properly trained to it, not because of training issues.

    I think your on the right track, but find someone that can help you with this and is knowledgable in speed horses and their needs.

  4. well the bit might be okay, not sure.

    ive never really had a problem with stopping, you should practice with using your voice and your seat to help with stopping, pulling on the reins should be the last thing you if you have RFDTV Julie Goodnight often has good tips for this

  5. When a stopping problem occurs, the first thing people do is look at finding a new bit...but the bit is not the brakes...the other aids are.  I hesitate to answer since you've already become annoyed with others who addressed your riding rather than focusing on what you want them to ...the bit.  But the correct answer to your question is that the bit is not your problem.  If you change your mind and want help with the real issues, then you might want to listen to what these educated people have to say.  they have taken the time to try to help you out.

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