
Is the black forest?

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  1. Yes it is. With lot's of cobwebs.:0)

  2. do bears c**p in the woods...?

  3. nah its pink....r u what we call, a r****d?

  4. no it`s black and between your thighs... .

  5. yes, next to the Carribean with square sausages and cuckoo clocks with holes in

  6. Yes it is my dear...

  7. Only in the day time!

  8. Nah dafty everyone knows it's yellow.DUH????

  9. it gets its name from the song black forest guatu, give me more.

  10. Yes,the Black Forest is green.

    They really call it Black Forest,because the Trees

    standing very close together and let even during the

    day very little light through .

    It appears dark ,when you walk through the Forest.


    Nurse(Native from Germany),now

    in Seattle

  11. I'm going to copy f***y J on this one - it's just such a great answer. I certainly can't top that - you're a genius Steph

  12. Only in the summer, in the winter its very white
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