
Is the book THE DAVINCI CODE true?

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all the history that encompasses the Da vinci Code:

- the Church decided that Jesus was the son of god 300 years after he died

- The church deeming Mary Magdeline as a prostatude and lowering all other women in order to gain more power

the list goes on... but did Dan Brown make this stuff up??





  1. the first fact you mentioned is totally true. im a cathoilic.

    some things arent true though. also it mentions that the bible has 72 books but most peoples is 66.

    dan brown did make some stuff up to make the story more interesting, but most of its true or are rumors.

    you should read angels and demons by him. its like a continuation of the story. he has 4 books total.

  2. some things are, some things aren't. the priory of sion is real. and so is the art mueseum.

  3. It is a NOVEL, that means it is FICTION.

  4. Some of them are factual, however it is worth noting that one of the facts he distorts is the priory of sion. Yes, there is a priory but it was not established in the middle ages as the book claims. It was established in the 20th century in France.

    Adding to that Brown had some mistakes as to the dimensions of a painting which I think is very silly as there are no gray areas in that matter and his wife is an art historian (very disappointing and careless on the author's part who claims he conducted meticulous research). So I would be pretty hesitant on believing what he puts forth as factual, especially the ones that can be argued--as even a simple truth he turns into a fallacy. So the book should really be taken with a grain of salt.

    Note to Nameme: Angels and Demons is the prequel, not the sequel

  5. The stuff you listed are definitely made up. History clearly states how Christians were persecuted immediately after Jesus' Ascension for preaching he was the Son of God. How could they be persecuted if they hadn't been proclaiming it.

    The rest is also untrue, Dan Brown is a writer, not a historian. The stuff he claims has not been verified by anyone else.

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