
Is the bovine growth hormone rBST responsible for the uberbitchy attitude that tween girls have today?

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And does it "spill" into adulthood?




  1. Despite the horrible wording....I agree it is a very strong possibility.

    While Tracey is right that adolescents has never been an easy time...for any generation.

    The newest group of young adults....lets say the 18 and unders.  Hit puberty a whole lot faster and grew quicker, then the generation before them.  Just walk around the mall, most 13-14 year olds are fully developed some even younger then that.

    It's from all those hormones and chemicals we put in our food.

    Will it spill into adulthood, well this is still kinda a new thing.  We will have to see what the long term affects are on these girls lifes and bodies.  

    Next Q knowing basic biology, how could we have expected it NOT to change us?

    Edit: and what is happening to the males?  We are seeing some significant changes in the females, the men eating the same thing are going to be getting the same hormones and chemicals.  Some other complication might come up for them, that isnt noticeable now.

  2. Tracey, please do not feed the trolls.

  3. Well, "uberbitchiness" is not the exclusive realm of teens or even females and the chemicals ingested by females are the same one ingested by males--but men are immune?  All you have to do is look at what's happening in Mexico where children are exposed to this stuff all the time.  Males are born "normal" and then in puberty, are developing secondary female characteristics--they're not developing into males but some combination of male and female.  These are children who are products of pregnant women who live and work in the massive chicken farms that rely on female growth hormones to produce fat chickens.  These children grow up and work in the same "industry" for pennies a day; I think "uberbitchiness" is the least of their problems.  That's more of a luxury reserved for those who reap the benefits of the exploitation of those who really do have something to complain about.

  4. No. The "tween" behavior is a direct result of bad parenting.  

  5. WOW! Good idea... You could be right. I never thought of that. My 9 yr old neice already has armpit hair and needs a bra... She is also uberbitchy... She drank like 40oz. of milk a day from the time she was 1 til she was about 6. She matured too fast, and she has a terrible attitude and is very emotional. You could have a valid theroy.

  6. Yes, I think it's in their makeup.

  7. Well, we know that it impacts the rate of their growth and development, so it wouldn't be a stretch to suggest that it impacts their atttitude as well.  

    Although, I would hate to see parents clinging to this as an explanation, rather than taking responsibility for raising spoiled and self important children!

  8. They should quarantine all teenagers until they become rational human beings.

  9. I feel sorry for those little boys and girls, at 12 I wasn't thinking about that bleep. I was jumping around in the mud and playing. I don't know why the kids want to grow up so fast. You know they have bra's for 5 year olds now? And short shorts that say juicy. It's pretty scary that from a young age we are teaching out children to be greedy, material consumers. I frightens me a lot.

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