
Is the british accent fading away?

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Is the british accent fading away?




  1. I think it's evolving but not necessarily in the way people would like with greater movement of British people within the UK people are being exposed to other regional accents they may never have heard before but also there's an influx of foreigners who will have an influence on how the accent evolves.

  2. What is the british accent you refer to, do you mean the comic hollywood one, there is no, nor ever has been a "british accent", but of course there are lots of regional ones.

  3. naa mate. wot you chattin' 'bout?

  4. There are loads of accents in the UK and they differ greatly.  

    I don't think the accents are fading away and I'm sure you won't either if you take the time to travel around the country and speak to people from various regions.  Go to Glasgow, Liverpool, Newcastle, Birmingham, Belfast and Cardiff and have a chat to a few local people and then come back and tell us if you think the accents are fading away.  I think you'll find that they're as excellent as they ever were.

  5. there are two predominant british accents these days:

    1. The Estuary Accent. This sounds something like the old (Michael Caine) cockney accent, but crossses class boundaries and is less pronounced, although "something" still sounds lilke "sumvin'"!).

    2. The TransAtlantic accent. Britis who travel a lot between NYC and London -- admen, music moguls, bankers, intellectuals-- are losing their distinctive regional British accents. Instead, they sound something lilke a mixture of wealthy Virginians and Hudson River patroons -- think the late Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt or Mr. Averill Harriman (husband of the much-married Pamela Churchill etc. etc. Harriman)

    Local accents are holding their own, especially North of the Tweed. The Aberdeen accent still rules, fortunately.

  6. Depends what you mean, there is certainly a lack of good elecution!

  7. dont know but i like the chinese way of speaking english listening to that, in just 1 day , it catches u !

  8. No!! If the british accent is fading away, then what accent are we supposed to talk with?

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