
Is the british monarchy guilty of raping and pillaging to become so powerful???

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is the crown where it is now because they were corrupt in their early days? were the first kings and queens just thugs who prayed off the weak? could they be seen as mafioso-like, ploughing their illegal activities into legal and moral businesses??




  1. Naw

  2. And the disease spread unchallenged to other nations and brought down the people.

  3. are they hiring

  4. The Brits weren't nearly as bad as most countries, but, yes, they did indeed pillage. However, anyone caught raping was usually hanged. not the British thing to do!  did you not learn this in history class?

  5. Governments are still doing this.

    Money was invented to exploit people and shift power to a very few people keep the majority powerless but to work for S**t.

  6. BINGO  ! dead on;  and a bit of luck thrown in

  7. Yes, and the Lords Nobles and Barons too.

  8. yes, search in google: illuminati

  9. Yes, definitely.

    Plus, the current lot have no legal claim to the throne anyway - their line is illegitimate right back to Edward IV

  10. it wasnt just the british its all monarchies and governments some where down the line someone did something to get the power that they have period. No one is going to put someone in charge of the country, region, state, city or whatever just cause they want to if that was the case they would put there self in charge

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