
Is the burning of a candle physical or chemical?

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The reason I ask this is because some say it is chemical because any type of burning is chemical. Other say its physical because it is only changing form.

Please explain to me what is correct :)!




  1. What you actually burn is the vapor produced by melting, volatilizing, and oxidizing the wax.  the evil hydrocarbons produce carbon dioxide and water as it burns.

  2. Burning (oxidation)  is chemical.

    However in the burning of a candle there are some physical changes going on too. The wax first melts, then vaporizes (physical) before burning (chemical)

  3. i think its both chemical and physical

    chemical because of the burning of the wick

    physical because of the melting of the wax

    but overall its chemical because there maybe other components in the wax undergoing irreversible change (perfumes, dyes and their components)

  4. Burning is oydation so chemical

  5. As far as I know, it is PHYSICAL change because not all the things we burn can produce new thing like for example is the burning of candle...This action only changes its shape,size and appearance but it doesnt affect its property and content...It is the same as it is after burning....

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