
Is the cable set top box better than dishtv/tatasky for connecting more than one television set at home?

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Is the cable set top box better than dishtv/tatasky for connecting more than one television set at home?




  1. i have cable set top box and really enjoying first of all my TV Sony WEGA use to drain the batteries quite often has relieved me as now i use other remote for channel selection

    Secondly I can view many channels more than cable tv although it is connected on the same cable

    Thirdly even FM radio channels are available to hear songs

    Fourthly most of all stereophonic / Surround sound comes on certain channels

    fifth atleast one more TV can be connected to RF out point as I am using CV and audio connector

    What more you can ask for a Rs 500/- gadget

  2. I think any 'dish' TV service sucks.!! You need a box for every TV, and the signal fades in high winds, snow and heavy rain. Many TV shows are compressed to save bandwidth. With cable, you can use a 'cable ready' TV and use extra TV's with NO box if you wish..

  3. No matter what you do, a set top box means you need one box for every set. If you plan to use it with multiple tvs, the best you can do is share the same output on all the screens, and the signal will probably weaken for every additional screen.

    So, if u want to install them for more than one screen go for the cable set top box, the box itself is cheaper and u can continue paying him the same amount every month(at least in my case).

    Dish tv and the others are pretty crappy, u need a dish for every set top box(i think) and have to pay more for every connection. And all that for a few cheap games and c**p.

    My advice, don't fall for their gimmicks, stick with ur local cable operator, at least u'll know where he is to go shout at him in case u don't get some channel (which u get more of with the cable set top box).

  4. HI, The quality of the set top box is not as good as a DishTV or a TataSky. But among Dish and Tata. Tata has better picture quality and sound quality. Coming to your question of connecting multiple TV. Actually the Tatasky decoder is capable of connecting two TVs, but they have not enabled it for INDIA. There is a flash card in the front of it is your account identifier. There are box available in the market to have multiple TV connected to see different channels. I think it is not legal. But you can also have check with your local Electronic market for this box.

    Hope this helps

  5. Cable tv set top box is better if u want to connect more than one tv in single connection with compromised signal quality.

    If u do'nt want to compromise with signal quality & money,go for tata sky or dish tv by paying 2 connections at discount monthly rate.

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