
Is the cambridge diet good my mum has been on it and lost 2st in 4 months?

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Is the cambridge diet good my mum has been on it and lost 2st in 4 months?




  1. Hi.  I don,t know if it's good but it is possible to lose 2 stone in this time. I started Weight Watchers in February and have lost 2 stone since then, it's not so much about a specific diet more about eating the right things in moderation and getting yourself moving.  I would recommend  Weight Watchers though if you are looking for guidance. They have a very good website.

  2. Its effective, but the only problem is that you are more than likely to put all the weight back on over a period of months after you finish doing it - its not recommended that you do this diet long term. I speak from experience!

    The British Heart Foundation eating plan is just as effective and much more healthy, and you don't put the weight back on. You don't have to give up eating anything you fancy either!

  3. whats the cambridge diet?

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