
Is the canadian space agency is better or worst than nasa or the russian agency?why?

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Is the canadian space agency is better or worst than nasa or the russian agency?why?




  1. So far, no one can touch the US in space achievements or space technology. That includes all the things that NASA developed that we're using today including Velcro, laptop computers, and fire retardant materials.  The Soviets gave us nothing but headaches for 70 years.  Canada is but a distant bystander in the field of space achievements.  They rank behind almost every country that is developing a space flight program.

  2. define "better". define "worse".

    the csa don't have as much money to play with, nor do they have any launch vehicles. they still manage to do cool stuff.

  3. Hard to say. NASA and Russia actually launch stuff. But NASA has a lot of screwballs in its management, the kind of people who launch shuttles against the advice of engineers who know better, which is why you hear about NASA s***w-ups (BOOM) so often.

  4. The Canadian space agency is not as well funded, or populated, as much as the US or Russian programs.  That doesn't mean it's worse, just that their goals are not the same as the other two. They are active participants with both the US and Russian programs, and both the other two programs benefit from the Canadians being on their teams.  

  5. The CSA doesn't have the NASA budget.  But for $10 million, they built and launched the MOST - a space telescope.   It's an incredible mission.  I don't think NASA can sneeze for just $10 million.  This makes the CSA #1 in my book.

    I'm a US citizen, just not rooting for the home team.

  6. The Canadian Space Agency is less active in actually space mission due to the fact that we don't have our own launch capabilities however our scientists work along side N.A.S.A. personal on a number of N.A.S.A. missions like the Phoenix lander, the C.S.A. built the LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) for the Phoenix lander plus they built the Canadarm for the space shuttle.

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