
Is the chance of working in Canada faster if you have relatives there?

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Is the chance of working in Canada faster if you have relatives there?




  1. If you are new immigrant it goes by points.. if you are a member of the commonwealth that gains you points.. if you have relatives in canada you get 5 points you need 60 points altogether... they are looking especially for skilled labourers, for teachers, health care workers (nurses) and computer specialists....some areas look people knowledgeable in the oil buisness...some for skilled farmers depening where you go in Canada and you need to bring about 10.000 Canadian dollars into the country..just in case you don't find  a job right away they want to make sure you  can look after yourself because they can't pay you benefits as a new immigrant..

    You need physical check ups .. be tested against TB.. and the rest is paperwork and waiting...

    Good luck xx

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