
Is the city of London and the city of Wesminster the same??

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Is the city of London and the city of Wesminster the same??




  1. The "city of London" was inhabited even before the Romans came. It is at the easiest crossing of the Thames river and a natural place to build the first of dozens of bridges known as "London Bridge". It was briefly conquered by the Vikings and liberated in the year 871 by Alfred the Great, and has been administered as a seperate jurisdiction since the year 886.The "Lord Mayor of the City of London" is an  office that was instituted in 1189. The geographic area is so close to one square mile, that "the square mile" is a common nickname for the city. The population of the city has been diminishing for over 3 centuries is now just under 8000 people, but it contains one of the greatest concentrations of wealth and power in the world.

    -  The "City of Westminster" was established in 1541, although it had been the site of a number of important buildings like Westminster Abbey for over 500 years. King Henry VIII had just married his fifth wife. It was also the site of most of the royal palaces. In the year 1900 the "city of Wetminster" was merged some nearby territoy to form one of the boroughs of Greater London. It still retains the title of City. Present population is 234K in 8.3 square miles. The "Duke of Westminster" owns less than 1/2 square mile of the City of Westminster, but that is enough to make him a multi-billionaire.

    -  "Greater London" was created in 1963 and consists of 32 boroughs (one of which is the City of Westminster) and the "City of London". The area is 609 square miles and population is 7.5 million of which about 2.3 million were born outside of the UK.


    - In addition there are statistical areas "Greater London Urban Area" which is about 8.5 million people, and the "London commuter belt" which is about 14 million people.

  2. No.  It's a bit complicated to explain...

    London is now a huge city - It stretches out into the counties around it: Essex, Hertfordshire, Surrey, Kent, etc.  This is 'Greater London' and is made up of boroughs (smaller administrative areas) like Greenwich, Hackney, Islington, etc.

    The City of London is one of those boroughs and covers the area from roughly Holborn to the Tower of London and from the north Bank of the Thames by London Bridge up to about Moorgate.  This is where the Romans founded London.

    The City of Westminster is another borough, covering a substantial part of the West End.  

    Both of these have the title 'city' in their names because until the 1600s, London consisted only of The City, Westminster, and Southwark on the south side of the Thames.  

    There wasn't much else until London became more built-up over the next 200 years.  Because they were there first, and because they were important places, they both got described as 'city'.

    If you mean Greater London, just say 'London', if you mean the area of the old Roman city (and modern financial centre), say 'The City', and if you mean the City of Westminster then just say 'Westminster'.  People will understand what you mean.

  3. Short answer is No

    City of London is a ceremonial county run by a corporation.

    City of Westminster is the land owned by the Duke of Westminster as far as I know.

    Check out Wiki for more I would suggest.

  4. No, they are both part of Greater London now.

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