
Is the city of france nice?

by  |  earlier

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hey, my mom was liek,

"sarah, we're going to Urope," and i dont really where "urope" is but i think we're going to the city of france. do you know what the city of france is like?????




  1. There is a city in France named Nice. ( prounounce NEEEES)  EUROPE is how  you spell it. France is not a city it is a country. Paris is  a city in France. You will have a wonderful time with good food and nice people who would like you to use your best manners and say Bonjour ( meaning hello and pronounced BOAN Shoor)

  2. France is a country. And yes it's beautiful :D

  3. If it isn't a joke... you can go back to school...

  4. It's even better than the city of California. Trust me, you'll have fun. You cross the river of Atlantic and presto, there you are.

  5. lol the CITY of France....thats a good one. Yeah its nice, but if your American people wont be too nice to you.

  6. Lots of cities in France are nice.  Why don't you borrow an atlas from your school library and check out where France and Europe are located.

  7. okay, first off, it's EUROPE.

    secondly, france is a COUNTRY, and it is nice there.

  8. if it is a joke, which i really hope it is, well done...

    if not...please please please go online and find out where France is . Since you're there, migh as well find out stuff about Europe...

    It is not hard at all, I promise.

  9. Nice is a city on the French Riviera, also happens to be near the city-state of Monaco as well.

  10. Is this Kellie Pickler?

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