
Is the clinic and hospital in the US using used syringe and vials? Why?

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A friend of mine said there is some suspicious things happening when my friend visit a well known clinic (not the clinic on the news). My friend said the nurse went outside and came back with filled syringe and needle. My friend said usually the syringe was opened in front of patient along with the vial, but this well known clinic is not doing that practice and it is very suspicious.

I believe many clinics and hospitals are reusing syringes and vials to cut the cost and that order come from the top management.

What do you think ? How do you prevent this from happening to you ?




  1. I live in Southern Nevada. One of the clinics which was closed by order of the Clark County Business License Division is about two miles west of my residence. There was a hearing of our State Assembly's committee of jurisdiction on this matter today. It's worse than anyone thought. Apparently the inspection teams from the State's Division of Health have known about this for years and done nothing. So, more heads will roll in this affair.

    If I am going to receive any kind of injection I make sure that the top of the bottle is cleansed properly and that a fresh syringe and needle is used. I also make sure that the syringe is filled in front of me. Not in some other room. If the nurse or technician doesn't want to follow those simple rules I get up, leave the clinic and inform my insurance carrier who then doesn't pay the bill. I would also report this to the local branch of the medical society and the local health department. Of course, I would carefully document this. If no action was taken I would scoop up those documents and have a cup of coffee with some enterprising reporter for a local TV news operation or newspaper.

    BTW, one of the people who had to be tested in this story is a member of that State Assembly committee.

  2. They simply do it to save money, and increase their bottom line.

    I hope whoever is responsible is prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

    I feel though that this is the tip of the iceberg, and am afraid it goes on all over.

  3. Can I just say OMG. At least where I live in Oregon, SW washington not happening. I have friends that run clinics and we all had a good life. I work at two different hospitals and I could tell you right now I would be F-I-R-E-D right on the spot.  Sometimes when it is pain med I go to the med room get the syringe and run to the patient's room so I can give it as fast as possible. Made me think though won't be doing this as paranoid as obviously increased it gets worse for us nurses every day here is another stupid myth going around making our jobs harder and much less enjoyable

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