
Is the common American really that ignorant? (please read attached)?

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I just posted this Q and everyone who answered agreed and there was some really good answers, but it got removed twice and this is what i had...Most Americans are morons or ignorant... the 300,000 richest people make more than the next 150million combined and no one sees anything wrong with it, the rich get richer b/c the gov. caters to them not the majority... we are in a war for a false reason (weapons of mass destruction, not in Iraq, never was) we are the bad guys...every one (almost) is against the war and it is a drain on our economy 6.5 billion a month when the money could be spent here like on universal health care where 45.8 million go without it, but nothing is done.... and the only thing we can do is vote, but people vote for the person who is on TV etc. the most, not the one who could actually help us. Why




  1. We should be proud of the 300,000 richest people.  They are proof that the American dream works.  Anyone can join that group.  The poor in America are better off than most of the middle class in most of the world.  Only an ignorant moron thinks universal health care is a sensible idea.  It would break our economy and reward only those who produce nothing.  Socialism has failed at every attempt and yet some ignorant  moron Americans aren't smart enough to acknowledge that fact and realize that achievement and reward should go to those who work hard.

  2. You're right. they're a bunch of idiots who are easily brainwashed by lobbyists & special interest groups. Look who they voted into office. The proof is in the pudding!

  3. they voted in a Democrat majority last election so Id say yes..they are really really stupid...

  4. "if you are affended"

    Are you one of the ignorant people you were bashing?

    You have to love the irony

  5. It is indeed sad to read your question.  You have every opportunity in the world and haven't even learned to end a question with a question mark {(Why) no question mark, no period, no education}.  You are apparently a very ignorant person.  Much like my brother who was 10 years behind me in school and managed to graduate high school without being able to read.  Thirty years after my brother graduated my nephew graduated from the same high school.  He had to have someone read the written portion of the driver's license examination to him.  These two men and you are all products of a Liberal education system.  You were never been taught how to think, only what to think.

    Cuba has equal poverty for all except Fidel and you can be a victim of universal health care in either Canada or Cuba.  Of course it takes 18-20 weeks to see a specialist in Canada and Fidel brought in Doctors from Spain choosing not to use the PEOPLES universal health care.  Of course those clues will fall on deaf ears for you have already been indoctrinated.

    As Mike says, there is one word to describe you and your (misguided) beliefs:........



  6. How does someone being rich equate to others being ignorant, the only ignorance I see is this question.

  7. yeah americans r dumb........... obama 2008

  8. 1. I am offended by your rant. You group 300,000,000 people and call them all morons and ignorant. At least 99% of them know how to use a spell checker and have good grammar.

    2. I know that the 300,000 richest people in America have earned that distinction. Bill Gates is the richest and was fired from his first job. He earned every penny he has. I earned every thing I have. No one ever gave me anything. I have four college degrees. Retired from the United States Air Force, where I was a B52 pilot. Do you have the ability to fly an 8 engine, 500,000 airplane at 500 feet of altitude and 450 miles an hour?

    3. America is the last superpower. We killed the Soviet Union without a shot. We spent them to death. They could not keep up with our technology and it lead to their downfall.

    4. The reasons behind the war are anceint history now. We are at war. It needs to be finished. It does not need to be run away from. We are fighting global terrorism. We are slowly winning. America has had no terroristic attact since 9/11/2001.

    5. As for universal health care. I do not think so. I believe in freedom of choice for services. I should have the right to choose my own doctor and if I don't like him, I should be able to fire him. Free choice means doing better to achieve better. The better the doctor the better his salary.

    6. Yes, by all means vote. Everyone should, but less than half do. I do in anything that requires a citizen to vote. I feel that if you don't vote, you loose the right to complain about those who are voted in.

    7. Finally, your question is extremely arrogant. It is one sided and very insulting to all Americans. I fought a war so that you could have the right to write what you wrote. But I will never agree with the way you wrote it. Next time use common courtsey when asking a question.

  9. Well let me tell you this... if you don't like the country, Leave.  You do not have to stay here.  

    While I am not exactly fond of the idea we are in a war, now that we are there, it would be wrong to leave before finishing the task.  No WMS?  They probably are setting as we speak in Syria.  Nothing about Saddam Huessien was predictable and sane.  

    Universal health care would be The Worse choice for all of us.  Especially if you get a rare disease or one that is serious like Cancer!  People in Canada come to the US for surgies to save their lives that the  Canadian health system cancel because they say it's cosmetic while on the other hand they allow someone a s*x change operation which doesn't cause that person a life threatening ailment.

    If all you need is treatment of colds and ingrown toenails.... you'll like it fine.  But get something really serious and your SOL

  10. no wonder they call liberals dont want to WORK TO GET MONEY.

  11. No,  the majority of us are apathetic. disenchanted, and complacent.  We have a little too much dead wood within our borders.  Very few of us actually produce something.  It's easier to trust our elected officials than to keep a close watch.

    Our president invaded a sovereign nation without even a hint of impeachment.  But if he had dropped his pants around an intern...

  12. I would say it keeps getting removed because you are calling most Americans morons or ignorant.

    I'm American, and I am neither of those.  I may agree with the statement that follows it, but I don't appreciate being called stupid by a stranger.

  13. i agree with your question.but it;s about who can lie the best.that;s just the way the system in this country works.the ones who try to do good are pushed aside.or like john kennedy, shot to death.if you do the right thing, the rich and powerful will try to get you out of the;s all about the money.not justice.or rights for all men.the people need to do what we did in the sixety;s riot for change.civil disorder.what ever it takes to get it right.

  14. One word to describe you and your (misguided) beliefs:........



  15. not ignorant, immigrant

  16. You are such an angry little man.

    You have freedom of speech, opportunity, you are so much better off than most others in this world. What on earth are you complaining about ????

    The world would be better off without ignoramasses like you.

  17. i agree.

  18. Have you ever heard of furthering an argument using facts and or reason?    ...

    Yeah what am I a moron? asking an IDIOT about reason..... I must be stupid.

  19. No one ever had freedom and liberty under a socialist government. No socialist health care system is even close to ours. No thanks. Go to a socialist country if you think they are so great. Leave this one alone. It's the only free country left.

  20. The rich get richer because they DO the things that make them rich. The poor stay poor or get poorer because they DO the things that make them poor. This will never change.

    As far as the war goes, why argue about the past. Let's figure out what to do from now on.

  21. You are making some outrageous claims and not backing them up with any shred of evidence. How can anyone take you seriously when you don't provide any facts??? You come off as a stereotypical liberal just reciting what you have learned from left-wing liberal media.

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