
Is the concept of God the same in all religions?As muslims,what do you think about it?

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  1. NO TO 1st question.

    ? for 2nd question

  2. In Islam God is perfect. In other religions God is associated with some element of imperfection.

  3. dont know much ... but i myself believe tht He is d only one ! u can call Him by any name. i m also a Muslim

  4. No God is Triune in Christianity (Father,Son and Holy Spirit) and is everywhere in Hinduism (Idols,people and nature).

  5. Yes. the concept of god is strikingly similar in all religions.

    The fallacy is that all religions have been modified to such an extent by its followers that they have become as different and opposite as fire and water.

    Christianity does not say homosexuality is evil.It's army of fanatic followers do.

    Islam does not seek to promote polygamy.It's army of raging irrational elements do.

    I believe that not only do all religions have the same concept of a god but also have similar beliefs.

    Which is why I would prefer a world without a religion or with a religion that tells you, ' Whatever you follow and believe in is right'

    Which is also why I choose to be agnostic.

  6. The concept of God is not same in all religions

  7. To many a god is a superhuman.

    Hindu- Anything or everything is God.many incarnations including animals,I myself my God,and Holy books saying a God unseen and bodyless everywhere.the creator.

    Christians-A god is three persons, all in one,incarnated as human and died then raised.

    God to muslim -the creator could not see,almighty

    Jew- same as muslims

    For jews and muslims while going on explanation about attributes of god varies slightly

    like a sunni shapeless without organs

    sunni-salafi Allah have organs-hand leg etc but not possible to say how

    both says can be seen here after from paradise.

    shia- no shape cannot be seen at all.

    A God is what or up to what you can imagine according to your scripture.

  8. muslims worship a moon god

  9. it really not the same in all religions. god is ONE, which only the three abrahamic religions believe. althoiugh christians are unforgivably blasphemous by worshipping a man and prophet (jesus) alongside God.

    So only two religions have the right concept of God; ISLAM and judaism.

    god bless you

  10. its my opinion that we all are workshipping the same god... i call him by one name and you call him by another. i think the polytheist religions come in because instead of grouping all god's characterists into one god they seperate each one out into a different being.

    wonder how many thumbs down i get for this! loool

  11. he is the same God for the religions of the four scriptures, other religions is not, even some sects in Islam don't believe in the same God,,

  12. Allah is just an Arabic name for God.

  13. I don't even think that the concept of God stays the same across the same religion.  Take, for example, Christianity.

    The Christian God is, in traditional theology, omniscient, omnipresent, omnibenevolent, and omnipotent.  Yet, some theologians consider the Christian God divinely simple, jealous, necessary, the sum of all predicates, etc.  So, of course, even just jealousy and omnibenevolence contradict one another, and these theologians disagree on their concept of God.

    Furthermore, compare the Bible to the theological conception of God.  God does not appear to omnipresent, both in the human form of Jesus, and even as an intangible God.  Nor does he appear to be all-loving, as he does not hesitate to play games with people, or kill them, as well as a series of other such things.  Nor does the bible mention any of the specific attributes granted to God by the classic theologians.

    We see the the theologians of the Muslim, Christian, and Jewish religions all throw around these words in disagreement.  Disagreement not only against the other faiths, but against others in their own faith.  We do, at least, see the same words often popping up in these three religions.

    Next, the concept of God can vary greatly depending on what you are even considering 'God,' or 'a God.'  If we are counting polytheistic religions, we get into a whole other ballpark of what it can mean to be a God.  These concepts go as far down as simply being a very powerful being, and as high as being the ultimate all-powerful creator of the universe.

    Next, consider gnosticism, a early branch of Christianity.  The Gnostics looked around to see an imperfect world, and so they saw their God as imperfect.  Their God was the demiurge, often he is even given the name Yahweh.  Sometimes the demiurge is portrayed as evil, and other times good-intentioned but imperfect.  Either way, it was he who created this world, and he who included all its imperfections.  The demiurge has sort of a partner God that embodies good, and together they make up the supreme being.  And yet, this supreme being has nothing to do with us directly, since it was the demiurge alone who made us.

    A popular modern example of a vastly different conception of God is Hinduism, and one begins to wonder whether Hinduism is polytheistic or monotheistic--these things get complicated!

    So, no, I think it can plainly be seen that the concept of God is not the same in all religions.

  14. Islam, Christianity (which includes the Catholic Church), the Jewish religion, all believe in One God, almightly.  We have different belief systems when you look into the detail, and slightly different beliefs in God.  Such as the Christian believes that God is an almighty, yet a loving father, and that we are all his children.  Islam believes God is too perfect to be thought of in a human sense, so to mention Allah as a father would not give Allah the respect he deserves.  Yet all religions are God-fearing.  There are many different aspects to it.  

  15. go to this website .. here the concept of God in islam christianity budhism hinduism judaism

    and a little bit atheism is discussed

  16. walikum us salam

    every major religion scripture say there is only one Allah ,God,Mahadev

    quran say there is only one

    bible say there is only one

    OT say there is only one

    geeta,upnishat,bramha,mahabharat, say there is only one  

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