
Is the consequence I gave to harsh?

by  |  earlier

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Earlier today my four year old punched the girl next door in the chest. I told him he is not allowed to play outside for the rest of the day. Is that too harsh or not enough of a consequence?




  1. its a good punishment. i would also have him apologize to her if he hasnt already =]

  2. that punishment fits the crime but you should also have a conversation and explain to him that hitting is wrong and that he should definitely never hit a girl

  3. I think it's a good punishment... providing that playing outside is something he really enjoys and would be affected by not being able to.  I'm sure somebody will answer that you should have spanked him, or something to that affect, but responding to violence with violence doesn't make any sense at all.  So, I think it was a fitting punishment.  Hopefully, you sat him down and had a good talk with him regarding hurting people, why he wanted to hit the girl, etc.  Oh, and one more thing; I have a four-year old, and I have just recently found that making her stand in the corner for her 4 minute punishments instead of sitting in her comfy, plush Elmo chair for time out is much more effective!  :)  I think you did a good job!

  4. just fine to me not too mean or nice

  5. not enough, tell him no tv for a day 2

  6. it all depends what time of day it was? Or if the girl hit him first? personaly it doesnt sound too harsh to me :) x

  7. that's fine but i think that's going a little easy on him make sure though that the girl didn't say something to get her made and make sure he stays away from her keep it up hello

  8. You must have asked the boy why he did that...anyway you made the right decision about punishing him.....not that we should punish our kids and all I was saying that we should know what they did bad before we punish them...If you punish him just for one day....Hope I helped*&*^&*&%&(&%^&%(^%(^%

  9. Its a good way to show your child that there are consquences to our actions! Applause to you. My best advice to you is once a punishment is given hold to it. It's more then likely harder for you. For a four year old I think its an apporiate punishment.

  10. Do you know why he punched her and how he learned that punching/hitting was okay?  Something like that is learned children aren't born knowing how and wanting to punch other's in the chest.

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