
Is the cost of living in Gurgaon are more then Ahmedabad?? How much..??

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I am going to relocate in Gorgaon from Ahmedabad, please help me out to calculate cost of living with 1 BHK flat for one Couple with middle class living style.




  1. yes but not as much as if you go to night bar and pubs . if you are living in middle class then you can manage as other in gurgoan are managing.

    the cost of living is as like as in ahamadabad there won't be so much difference. it depend on you how you live. and if any then it will not be more then 10 % . the difference will be in the rent of flat only as the land rate are highest in the gurgaon compart to all over india.

  2. gurgaon is much more costlier than any place...! the house rents market rates and electric rates are way too much! if you go for a PG maybe then you can cut down some bread but still you'd be left with elec and market. and its not so easy to travel around gurgaon unless and until you own a bike or car whatever. good luck!

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