
Is the cup half full, or half empty?

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  1. half full with u in my life

  2. It's half full. I like enjoying what I have if at all possible. What if I really only need half a glass?

  3. It is never half empty. If you really think about it there are other things than the material object in the glass/cup. So many decisions and so many alternatives to things. To imagine the glass as half empty, is to show ones mind half empty.....To see it as half full is to have a full understanding of oneself and the things around him/her.

  4. Half full, you cannot have half of nothing.

  5. the cup is half of what you want it to be,  the cup changes, based upon you.

    I fell off my steps and break my ankle, the cup is half empty.

    I fell off your steps and break my ankle, the cup is half full.

    Just kidding, I only fall in grocery stores and cross walks.

  6. Half empty, tis is better to think bad so you can eventually get more good then finnally think of alll full except for a few things missing =)

  7. Neither.

    The optimist sees the cup half full.

    The pessimist sees the cup half empty.

    I am neither, I am a cynic.  I want to know who took the missing half and I want it back right now.

  8. full ..always think posiitive

    anser mine pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee;...

  9. It's half-empty, dangit.


    Because everyone else is going to be goody-goody and say half-full. :]

  10. the cup is twice as big as needed. It's not so much what's in the cup as what is around the contents of the cup to be compared to. Get it?

    Don't take this metaphor literal: If I poured a glass of water into a cup and poured it so it was half full (or half empty whatever no difference) then it would be both half full and half empty, now imagine if I poured the same ammount of water (basically I took the half full glass) and poured it into a glass half it's size, now what do I have? I have a full glass. Yet when it was surrounded by a taller glass it seemed half full. So there you go, it depends on hwat you compare something to that makes it either "good" or "bad".

    Oh and also the glass is always full of something, in the literal case : My glass is half full of water and half full of air, so it's full of water and air! :) Of course it could also be full of nothing. It's still full.

  11. Depends on the day. Today was half empty.

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