
Is the current British monarchy a lie?

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Rumor has it--and perhaps history does as well--that the current monarchy isn't really "British" at all. Rather it was a usurpation of some sort a few centuries ago. The rightful King of England is living somewhere in Australia....

Fact or fiction?




  1. Around 1818 when the old King was dying there started a Baby War.  Everyone was trying to get the first baby so that they would inherit the throne of England.  Queen Victoria's mother won and she was born first and she became Queen of England when the Old king died.

    So, it was the START of the HOUSE OF SAXE-COBURG-GOTHA (all German Principalities, meaning ruled by Princes and Dukes) and it was a new house on the Throne, usurping NO ONE.  Princess Victoria earned the Throne the Old-Fashioned way, she inherited it!  The House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha IS STILL ON THE THRONE, only now it is called the HOUSE OF WINDSOR (sounds more english!).

    So, what your saying is pure BS.

  2. it doesnt matter they are good people-mostly- and the queen would be greet if the country was stilled ruled by the monarchy

  3. And your a dreamer,lolololol.

    By the way the Royal Family is 100% British.

    get educated.

  4. Mostly fact.

  5. Yeah, thats probably true.

    But its just because thats the way European countries used to form alliances; by marrying a noble from another country, a sort of "treaty" was signed.

    Queen Victoria was closely related to the Kaiser in WW1...

  6. There have been dozens of past Royal Houses in the British Isiles so it may very well be true. However the current British royal family (the Windsors) come from a mixture of German, english and also Scottish through the Queen Mother, its also highly likely that there are other blood lines mixed in too.

    King George the Fifth was cousin of the last Tsar of Russia, they were more or less indecticle in every aspect.

    The Rightful King of England?, The throne has passed into several other familys as with above, so again its still possible..

    Some do actualy say Princess Diana was more Royal than the Windsors, herself being a decendent of Charles II King of England.

    as a whole, the British Monarchy is not a lie, its just evolved that way.

    Most european royal families are connected in some way or another, The present Queen (Elizabeth II) married Philip who was born into the Greek Royal family, he was before the marrige and still is an Heir to the throne, high up on the list of hundreds, still he is still on it.

  7. they are NOT totally British.  Thanks to the Queen Mum they have Scottish blood but that's about it.  They are German to the core!  Perhaps you should go back and study your history, not that they told you the truth in the first place!!!

  8. The current British monarchy is really of German descent starting from Queen Victoria,  who was almost entirely of German descent. Many English monarchies had many illegitimate children throughout the centuries. There are probably thousands of people living today who could trace their family genealogy back to a King of England. Under the english law, an illegitimate child could not inherit the throne, so even if the King only had one legitmiate surviving daughter and an illegitimate boy, the daughter will become Queen. If she died childless, another prince/princess of the blood (usually children of the King's brothers or sisters) will be chosen as the next King/Queen, provided that they are not born out of a wedlock.

    It is possible that the "rightful" King could be another illegitimate offspring.

  9. the current British monarch is a German descendant and they came from the descendant of Queen Victoria. the original surname is Hanover and later on during the WW2 they change it to Windsor maybe because of the war and the hate of the Germans thats why they change it, actually the original British descent ends during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I because she does not marry.....

  10. The person your talking about is the only living descendant from the Plantagenet kings.

  11. Well, I know that more than a few "Jacobites" believe the rightful king is Franz Bonaventura Adalbert Maria Herzog von Bayern, Duke of Bavaria

    As for non-English monarchs you can start with William the Conqueror in 1066 (he was Norman French). A lot of English kings didn't speak English or even visit the country (including Richard the Lionhearted).

    Over the last 1000 years a lot of mainland Europeans, Americans and others have married into the British royal family. Guess that makes the Windsors as British as you can get.

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