
Is the current conflict between the West and Islam in reality a conflict between ISRAEL and Islam ?

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Spock, when did I say I believed that?




  1. Ever seen how much money we give to Israel? Its in the Billions. Ever seen how much military technology we give them? I wonder why? Who does the government borrow from? Who has the money for the government to borrow? I will leave it at that. We will always be Israels friend. The Jews in world history get picked on too much anyway. If people would leave them alone then this would not be an issue.

  2. It is not a conflict between the west and Islam , there is 1. 6

    billion Muslims on this Planet . can you see any conflict. just hope and pray there wont be any for many years to come or better still never ,

    Israel has border disputes with it's neighbors , as soon as it is dealt with the quicker they will find peace,

  3. just tell me wht's the difference between the us and isreal

    because wht you doing( the yanks) is having an affair with another guy wife and ask him to forget it but the betrayed husband buys a gun

  4. On reviewing 'Londonstan' by Melanie Phillips, someone noted that [she] sets out to make the problems of israel the problems of the world.

  5. Yes, this is the basic problem. Solve that issue, and the rest of the "aggro" would fade away. Remember, Israel exists on it being financed by the USA, and there is a very powerful Jewish lobby in the US, which means votes, so they have to kept on board. The answer - I do not know, every scenario is fraught with problems.

  6. The conflict  that is happening all over this Globe is nothing but religion. I only wish everyone would all stay in their own Country, and just trade with everyone else. If they have problems.. sort it out but do not expect others to do it for you. The truth of the matter is that other peoples ways of doing things do not go down well with others and thats when Conflict starts. It would not matter if your neighbours of the Country next door to you wanted to pray to the Moon as it should never become your business.

  7. Yes. The destruction of Irak has benefited nobody but Israel, and the upcoming war with Iran will get rid of the only other powerful Arab nation in the Middle East, although at dreadful cost to America and Iran. America and the West has ignored all of Israel's attacks on neighbouring nations, and they are calling for everyone except themselves to give up nukes, but Israel has had them for thirty or more years and nobody asks them to give them up. Why is it that Israel is so important to America? It is a tiny country mostly composed of desert and the dead sea, so why does America keep sending its young men to die for their sake? But why do I bother? Any attempt to speak common sense about Israel always leads to the automatic accusation of anti- semitism and cries of 'Neo n**i!'

  8. Yes..........and no

  9. I have traveled thru a lot of the middle East, and Asia in the last few years and every where I go people ask me why do America support Israel so completely, since they are the ones who cause most of the problems through out the world??   what answer can I give except the one P,M, Sharon gave, he told the world we the Jew's own America,   it seems the whole world is asking why?? except Americans why??? is Americans so stupid they can't see the hand writing on the wall?? Israel has cost America billions of dollars in direct loans , grants etc that will never be repaid and we give them billions annually for what?? so they can live the good life? their standard of living is much higher than ours now, with maids and servants in every home, I was there not long ago,we took out Iraq because they were Israels worst enemy,look at the cost to our country, what do we get in return? a thumb up the nose when we suggest they settle the Palestinian problem, it is to profitable for them to stop it. and as Mr, Sharon said we own America and they also have so many idiots here who will support them in their evilness,

  10. No.  It's really between the west and Islam.  Throwing Israel into the picture is just a red herring.

    Now, that doesn't mean there isn't ALSO a conflict between Israel and Islam.  Most of the middle east denies Israel's right to exist so Israel is in a constant state of having to defend itself.  Makes them a bit testy, I'd guess.  I would be too.

  11. You are right of course...but the intrigue blinds us all!

  12. No

    Why is it that all these anti-Semites hide their Q&A history?  If it were open you would probably see 80% or more of their questions would be thinly veiled anti-Jew propaganda.  But if this isn't the case with you then by all means prove me wrong by opening your history.  

    His reaction will be to either ignore me (and or report me even though I didn't violate the TOS) or bring up a lame excuse why he can't possibly unhide his history.  I wish Yahoo had never added that ability.

  13. That could be a generalisation....

    i would just like you to know that i know not all jews and muslims agree with that.

    but i tried to answer your question with what i knew



  14. The conflict is more about imperialism.  Ghandi believed that Palestine belong to the Arabs like France belongs to the French, and when Israel was created it was a new method of controlling countries that were once colonies, but the violence is simply because of ignorance.  Both parties have thrown away the idea of diplomacy.  And their is not a clash against Israel and Islam.  It is a clash with Arabs (and those who side with them), and Jews (and those who side with them)

  15. This in itself is a very debatable topic and no definite answer Will be given in this short essay. I will present the argument that Israel is undoubtedly a core part of the dispute between the West and Islam, but what is necessary is a co-ordinated strategy to embrace the Middle East across numerous arenas - in short, solving Israel is but a key a step to examining such wider issues.

    Israel has definitely been a flash point for violence and major dissatisfaction within the Middle East, fundamentally to the arbitrary nature of its formation in the wake of the Second World War's close. Israel has fought wars with many of its Middle Eastern neighbours, with serious military clashes between the country and Egypt, Jordan and Syria particularly in the late 1960s and early 1970s, systematically wiping out the air forces and ground forces of the fellow militaries in quick succession, as was epitomised in the 1967 victory of the Six-Day War. These victories, backed by American diplomatic and military support, were of course viewed with anger by many Middle Easterners who till today continue to perceive the presence of Israel as an irritant which needs to be eradicated. This extremist opinions have of course led to the formation of major terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah which collectively call for the destruction of Israel and have systematically attempted to achieve such aims through subversive terrorist activities and intifadas. The fact that Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called for Israel to be "wiped off the map" crystallises this potential belief among many people outside the Middle East that the conflict between the West and Islam is not really about the West, and can be resolved merely by taking Israel out of the equation of Middle Eastern power dynamics.

    But I do not profess this simplistic view for its seeming theoretical accuracy. The Middle Eastern conflict, while significantly down from its peak when raging Ottoman armies invaded Constantinopole and the Crusades saw raging Christian zeal force children to participate in holy wars, is still about religion and inequality, which hence leads to anti-Western perceptions among some extremists. Here, it is necessary for me to clarify that in fact many ordinary Muslims even in conservative areas like Iran do have a certain level of fascination and respect for the West, but in this essay, we are discussing militants who have been indoctrinated by radical ideologies advocating jihad against the West; and here we note that the reason for jihad as stated by revered terror leaders like Islam is not really the destruction of Israel but re-establishing a Muslim caliphate of dominance globally.

    In fact, beyond refuting this simplistic notion, I would like to analyse the serious dynamics of the motivations for Islamic hatred against the West. This goes beyond mere economics, for many terrorists are educated university graduates who frequently come from acceptable middle-class backgrounds. It goes more to a serious quest to reassert Islamic primacy politicallty, economically, socially and culturally for these people. Furthermore, we see major dissatisfaction by the people against their governments - especially the monarchies - because they remain merely based on inheritance and have done little to alleviate the common man's woes, to the extent that Yemen's Gini coeffiecient measuring income inequality in society is 0.508, among the world's worst. The fact that most of the oil revenue has gone largely to the royal families without the people getting much is a further source of alienation - the "resource curse" to quote a well-researched notion in political economy.

    Seen in this light, Israel, rather than being a fundamental factor in the clash of the West and Islam, plays the role of a serious catalyst inciting anger and violence. Hence, it can be concluded that the shows of violence against Israel and the continued sloppiness of the peace process most recently illustrated by George Bush's failure to extract major concessions and compromises from either the Israelis or the Palestinians at the Annapolis peace talks are a mere reflection of this deeper anger and wide-ranging aims of exrtremist Islam in the 21st century.

    The writer agrees that a resolution of the instability over the geopolitics in Israel will signal major change and be positive in promoting peace and holistic development in the Middle Eastern region. Even so, the writer believes it is myopic for governments to sit idle on integration, communication and co-operation with the Middle East on the minute basis of Israel being unsolved. For us to fall into the trap of this fallacy is to prevent us from taking the action that is necessary.

    Writing on this topic has been a desirable and engaging experience, and it is hoped that the questioner will be able to gain insights and knowledge on the multi-faceted dynamics of this issue. It is not necessary for the questioner to agree with all the arguments of the paper, but the writer hopes to correct such misconceptions on the basis of a lack of holistic consideration.

  16. Well of course,for example  the war in Iraq was simply a way of knocking out an enemy of Israel and it was paid for in USA tax dollars and lives.

    See the websites below and answer them if you can:

  17. To some extent yes, but I think it also has alot to do with the West, particularly the United States and their role in the Middle East and the rest of the Muslim world.  Israel-Palestine is the biggest issue by far, but Coca-Cola, McDonald's, MTV and the US support for regimes like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordon, and Pakistan are also a big part of it.

  18. the west GAVE the Jews the state of Israel. it did not belong to them. and it did not belong to the west either. it was Palestinian land. from the moment they were given Israel they began slaughtering Palastinians and stealing as much land as they could soon as the world said anything they cried HOLOCAUST!!! and every one shut up and allowed them to make a new holocaust of their very own. only this time the victims were the palastinians. so i would say that Islam has every reason to be pissed at the west......thats why i do not trust Muslims in Britain. they are here for a reason. and i dont think its a peacefull one.

  19. mike, if you really believe that and were suddenly made PM of Israel, wouldn't you decide to end the charade by nuking Mecca and Medina during the hajj ??

    that would end the issue for all time, wouldn't it?


    but even Israel doesn't believe that.

  20. I BELIEVE IF ANYONE OUT THERE SOLVES THE ISRAELI / PALESTINE PROBLEM 75% of this so called conflict would disappear....

  21. To me it seems there is a perfect storm of incompetence and malfeasance. The president was - by his own admission - incompetent - with respect to foreign affairs. In an efforts to look "Texas tough", he brought in "hardline" conservative thinkers (at the time and to an extent presently) dominated by neoconservative thought. Neoconservatives such as Paul Wolfowitz, Douglass Feith and Richard Perle all have strong affiliation with Israel's former Likud party and have either been implicated in or directly found guilty of espionage for Israel.

    So the conspiracy there as such is not really all that secret.

    For me however, it comes down to belligerent incompetence,  and this has so scarcely anything to do with actually addressing the legitimate military threat posed by radical Islam, as to almost be two separate subjects were it not for the fact that one US problem so perfectly aggravates another US problem.

    Largely, you solve the problem of US interests in the Islamic world in the simplest of ways, simply follow those actions which are in the US long term interests.

    1. Reduce or seek to eliminate the use of OIL and more specifically Middle Eastern petroleum products by US interests.

    2. Compel Israel to settle her border disputes - set a firm timeline with Tel-Aviv for withdrawl of ALL us funding. Encourage them to seek funding elsewhere, which keeps the Kinnesset focused on self-perservation.

    3. Purge the US congress and senate. Set 3 term term-limits for Congress, 2 term term-limits for senate. Ban any current or former public office holder from seeking reelection for 20 years. Ban lobbyists and political action committees altogether. Cap political spending at 200,000 dollars per candidate and mandate voter turnout. All citizens must vote, or pay a 50 dollar penalty - like Australia for example.

    4. Massively start to re-order our economy along the lines of an either self-sustained or more sustainable lifesytle, with a goal of 90% domestically produced energy by 2030.

    5. Reduce the national debt, bring the national debt down to a number which is some trivial fraction of our current outstanding debt. This is done though defunding military industrial boondoggle projects, curtailing social security to about 75% of it's current size and reordering the budget to include a manidtory surplus until the debt is relieved.

  22. The real conflict is between the "trouble makers" of every group and the peaceful people who wants to live a

    "Hate-free and happy life.

    I think about 10% of people in all religions belive that they must spread their hatread against the "Other Religion" in order to serve God as they perceive it. They will not tolerate

    any one who do not agree with them.

    I think, some day, God will find a way to communicate with this

    people and stop them.

    Then, we will witness many Jewish families will travel to

    Muslim lands, and freely enjoy all the historic sites and learn about their cultures, and many muslim families visit Israel and

    enjoy the modern marvels they can find there.

    In the mean time, I think it is best for American People not to

    get involved in their conflict.

    These people have been killing and hating each other for a long time. But they don't have the right to come to our Country

    and pour their hatred and problems into our harts and soul and ruin our lives and economy, by convincing us that this is our problem also. I don't think it is. Lets put American interest

    and well being first.Otherwise everyone looses.


  23. No.  The World Trade Center buildings were in New York City, not Jerusalem.

  24. yeah we are doing the jews dirty work.

  25. No, it is a war that has been going on for thousands of years.  It is a war between good and evil.  A war between GOD and satan.

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