
Is the current prime minister of England doing a good job?

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Is the current prime minister of England doing a good job?




  1. According to the last opinion poll about 23% of the electorate think so.

  2. The British electorate now believe that Gordon Brown PM has lost the plot.  He is now sailing aimlessly in a sea of his own dreams, which are no longer shared by the people.

    The results in the recent local and London Assembly elections, have sent a clear message to the that their time is up and come the election in 2010, they are going to be out.  May as well start packing their bags now.

    Had those local elections been a national event, then the Tories would probably have gained a 300 seat majority in the House of Commons.

    What the have recieved is a massive vote of no confidence from the British people.

    The Brown failed to go to the country to enhance their mandate with the people.  They then went on to cut the 10% income tax levied on our lower paid workers.

    The have made a total mess of everything in recent years.  They have screwed up.  Time for something new.

    Here in London we've got Bo-jo - steady as you go.  See how things work out.  Boris at least talks sensibly about the Mayoralty of London and thinks a Bill should go through the House of Commons to restrict a candidate to two terms only.  If this can be managed, it will keep Red Ken out of the job forevermore. . . .oh goody.

  3. He is rubbish!I would rate him as the worst Prime minister in 200years!Why?I would even get more sense out of my Grandaughter's gerbil Freddy!

  4. You are joking !! Gordon Brown has failed to let go of the reins of number 11 and is trying to run the country single handed. U turns left right and centre due to bad policies leaves him looking like an idiot, the sooner he goes the better.

  5. If you think inept & deluded is a good thing then he is doing a marvellous job.

    If you are worried by hefty tax bills, quality of life in free fall etc he is absolutely useless.

  6. With number of questions of this ilk I would have thought that the answer is NO. However as the Prime Minister is of the UK and not of ENGLAND the question is invalid. Brown is an English hating Scot with an agenda to remove England from the political map as soon as possible, and he only has 2 years to do this, which is why he has signed the Lisbon constitution, sorry treaty, without consulting the people. there will be no 2010 election as the EU will have abolished the UK and all the other countries in Europe.

  7. It's not so much about the Prime Minister, but more about his party in general. They're terrible! In fairness to Gordon Brown, it's not just his fault. It's been coming for years, way back when Tony Blair was in charge.

    Tony Blair ran this country into the ground and left Gordon Brown with the blame, a smart move on his part. But then again, Gordon Brown was sat next to Tony Blair for all these years, so he's to blame as well.

    People are now only just starting to realise how awful The Labour Party are, however, I think it may be too little, too late.

  8. Yes he is doing a very good job of helping the Conservitives back into power!



    I HOPE

  10. No, hes absolutely useless!!! We didnt want him in the first place!!!

  11. I think you will find that he is actually Prime Minister of a bit  more than England, like Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Does a useless job for all of us. !0 years of "good" economy from Gordon. Always mentioned by any Labour politition in any interview, has brought us to crisis point. We are further in debt than any EU country. We have more personal debt than the other 26 member states of the EU combined, we are heading for a reccesion and house prices are about to sink through the floorboards.

  12. No, he's ruining our country by continuing to allow uncontrolled immigration. He wasn't elected, he took over from B-liar who was just as bad. We need a PM who puts the indigenous population before all comers.

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