
Is the customer always right when a cell phone is involved?

by  |  earlier

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So, if a customer comes in talking on their cell phone, and their order gets messed up (regardless of who is at fault)....does the fact that they're talking on their cell phone at the time of the order negate any sympathy?




  1. I work in a convenience store while I put myself through college. It disgusts me that people seem to think it is okay to come in on their cell phone and act like you are disturbing their conversation if you ask them if they need your help. I think people should be courteous enough to hang up their phones and give the people working with the public the respect they deserve. I would definitely not take the blame for their order being wrong. People will come into the store where I work and come to the counter. They are holding up my line and telling me to hold on so they can finish their conversation. I just look at the next customer and say " I can wait on you while this gentleman/lady finishes their conversation". BTW, I have a cell phone and would NEVER do that. I also would never talk on it while I am waiting on a customer.

  2. I worked as a waitress for 12 years. When people would sit in my section talking on the phone, I would take them some silverware & set the table up for them, then walk away until they were through with their conversation. In my opinion, if you are at someone's business, you should show the courtesy to get off the phone, order, then you may resume your conversation.

  3. no they are probably wrong but it doesn't matter whos really wrong because the customer is always right so yea it's your fault

  4. Not really.

    How is there sympathy?

    Probably anger because they have no responsibility.

  5. I would say yes and no.  Depending on if they ordered what they wanted but then the workers got it messed up. I could also say if the customer messed the order up then the people in the restraunt got exactly what they wanted it would be the customer's fault.

  6. wait till they have finished talking before you take their order !

  7. What does it matter if they are talking on cell or to someone else at same time. Either way it is rude and this is the sad fact about people in US. They are rude and mannerless and think all businesses (especially food industry) should bow down and cater to them; when in fact people need to learn to take responsibility for their actions.  As an experienced food server, I have encountered people oout to eat with friends, all talking while others try to order, and pay little attention to what they order or my questions.  Then when food arrives something will be not to liking and they feel it is the servers fault, even if other people at table tell that person that is what they ordered.  Lazy and rude is what people are today and they treat food industry employees as though they are worthless because of where they work.

    However, in most food establishments, (and many other service/.retail places) the customer is always right, even when they are wrong.

  8. Not at all. they are usually wrong because they are not paying full attention in what they are ordering..

  9. talking on the cellphone is very rude when ordering. one time i was working at like a cafe where we do everything in front of them. anyway some ladt was blahing on her cellphone she wasnt even in line she pointed at me when i was cooking that she wanted that. i was making chicken quesadas on the grill. anyway i was up front working by myself with a huge line it was busy. then later she comes back for her order stil on her cellphone. i saw her then i started making it because i had time by then the line cleared out. then she gives me attitude like i have to wait . im out. hella rude. i dont care people gotta wait their turn its not fair. i was runniong around like crazy plus i wasnt even working their it was part of our trainnning for school and the lady in charge didnt even help, care or teach us anything i told my culinary teacher and we didnt have to take that class because thats stupid.

    but ya stupid rule customers are always right just suggest ooh im so sory we will make it for you. or suggest youll make it for free.

    i also work at a place now where the customer always has to be right. even though they are grumpy , rude, and unpatience and say fake thank yous we only try our best. i work in the dinnning room of can you guesss?????

    a old people home.  some people stomp their cups and ask for cofffee, some raise their hand one after another , tea,coffe, ice cream, breadsticks, and they complain why am i always rushing. i never tell them but they should know its them. i dont want them to complain their foods cold, and i dont want them to complain..and the worst part is were not allowed to accept tips. =(.

    but its okay we deal with all type of situations. but you can choose to handle it anyway you want.

  10. you should go in the back, grab the fryer oil, and throw it in their face.

  11. i think it is rude if  a customer is talking on a cell phone while ordering especially if they blame the employee for getting the order wrong. i dont think the custoemr should always be right when they are in the wrong but whatever society is whack <.<

  12. Always, I got a new phone with that customer service, always right.

  13. i hate cell phones what do people have to talk about so much.people talk on their cell phones while they are using the public restrooms. why can't they just get their business done and talk on the phone at a latter time..

  14. Well I suppose customers are always right.. even when they're wrong. But I think it's just downright rude to be talking on the phone when you're ordering or.. dealing with people at all. you're not a machine.

    However, it's not worth it to get in an argument with them. just humor them and fix the order and then when you get home you can punch a customer sized punching bag or something. :)

  15. While it's rude of them to talk on the cell phone, if the order is wrong, it is considered the order-takers fault (whether it is or isn't). The customer is always right.

    It's the same as if they came in chewing bubble gum with their mouth open and smacking it while ordering. If you got part of the order wrong, it's still going to be "customer always right."

    Consider this a learning experience - always read the order back to the customer and get confirmation. Then you can always be confident that you were not at fault either way.

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