
Is the devil nearly here?

by  |  earlier

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You were so turned on, you thought we were fakers ?

we where , were, ware ,wear




  1. quisque is est..<^><...

    (whoever he is)


  3. hopefully not!

  4. The devil is everywhere, the biggest trick he ever pulled was to convinve the world he didnt exist ;-) x

  5. Yes - the Devil is nearly here...but, he will be delayed, because when he pulled up to the petrol pump in his phat S.U.V. to fill up he saw the prices and convulsed in laughter so long that he had to find a place to spend the night. And the Devil may NEVER get here, because he realized that the bed in the Motel had a slot for coins that made it vibrate. Thank the Lord for man-made pleasures..........

  6. No. He's always been here as he represents all the bad in people.  He is a metaphor representing all the people who do horrible things.  

    Blessed Be

  7. yes hes in charge of the bearded ones in iran

  8. Here is Your Answer....!

    (Matthew 13:19)  When anyone hears the Word of the kingdom and does not understand it, then the wicked one comes and catches away that which was sown in his heart. This is the seed sown by the wayside.

    Thanks, RR

  9. he's been here all the time!

  10. the devils that woman in your picture.. ewww

  11. He`s certainly growing in popularity

  12. What? Watt? Wot?

    No He's Fictional like me!

  13. He is closer than you think! the devil (anti-christ) will show up in Jerusalem, PRETENDING to be Jesus Christ, and he will deceive millions,  perhaps billions of souls into believing he is the REAL Jesus and will take those souls on his side. But then we will have 1000 years (the millennium) to overcome, and learn who our one True Jesus is and to get back on the right path. At the end of the 1000 years, satan will be loosed to try once again to deceive the souls, those that follow him will go into the lake of fire with him and perdition (death) while those that stayed with their One True Christ will go to heave and the eternity :)

  14. Yup, he is near like GOD...

  15. He has always been among us.

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