
Is the dictionary definition of feminism any more meaningful...?

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... than the peace agreement signed with Hitler in 1938?

If you think the dictionary definition of feminism (i.e. seeking equality) still has any credibility, please state why giving evidence if possible.




  1. I take dictionary definitions with a large pinch of salt since 'political correctness' was imposed on them.

    Don't forget that most dictionaries are now edited by polcorists so they no longer have integrity.

  2. No, it's not.

    The dictionary is supposed to maintain neutrality and political correctness, so it is not right to expect dictionary to be up to speed on controversial issues. But for the same reason, it is not right for feminists to use the dictionary definition to justify their actions today, because, like I said, the defintion is archaic and has no relevance to feminism today.

  3. No I do not think so, sadly it is only a tiny fraction of feminists who impact real world feminism and it aint those with fluffy ideas of equaleetee.

  4. The dictionary definition of feminism is pre-historic. Always was.

    The dictionary is politically correct to the point of frustration, but I have come to accept that it is that way because it isn't supposed to be seen as 'siding' with anyone, and defining feminism as 'seeking equality' is the best way to seem neutral, though we know better.

    We all know from the Neil Lyndon experience that Oxford would very likely get screwed for telling the truth instead of what it is supposed to say. Feminists don't care who you are or how big your organization is. If you expose them for what they are, they will make your life h**l.

  5. Oh, great, the "comparison to Hitler" fallacy again. You're normally a sensible guy, jim — you should know perfectly well that there is absolutely no comparison.

    The dictionary definition of feminism is still plausible because most women who call themselves feminists abide by it.

  6. just looked it up and to my horror, it described my beliefs.

    the dictionary definition needs to be updated.

  7. It depends where you are. In the UK, feminism has become just radical feminists, fighting at whatever's nearest.

    However, there are many places in the world where women still dont have equal rights and are oppressed, and feminists in such places are fighting for equality.

    but yeah, UK, and from what I can tell of the US, it's just women fighting for something they already have, and making people care less and less about feminism.

  8. When I say that I am a feminist, I am using the dictionary definition. I don't use the word to mean anything else.

    I don't know what else to tell you. Maybe some feminists act like they're after something else. Maybe even most do. But that isn't the brand of feminism that I support or believe in. If you want to judge me, then judge me on my own actions and beliefs, not on those of other people.

    That's reasonable, isn't it?

  9. It's ironic that many who don't call themselves feminists do fit the dictionary definition while most who do call themselves feminists don't fit the dictionary definition.

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