
Is the double standard the lib media is presently engaged in attacking Sarah Palin going to backfire on them?

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'If She Were a Man, These Questions Would Not Be Asked at All'

Mother-of-Three O'Donnell Worried About Palin's Neglected Kids

Nervous MSM Suggests McCain Scrap Sarah

Tabloids Gone Wild: Palin in the Checkout Counter Crosshairs

'Today' Show Again Bashes Palin: Shortchange Family or America?

CBS: WaPo’s Sally Quinn Slams Palin’s Parenting: Needs to ‘Rethink Her Priorities’




  1. Absolutely. I've started seeing some of the news anchors backing off and I saw the editor of US magazine getting cornered with his obvious lies.

  2. Liberal Media is a myth.

  3. The Liberal establishment is deathly afraid of her.

  4. In a few weeks this will all be forgotten and they will all party together. It isn't like two gangs on different sides of the street. This is the game and none of them hate each other. Well maybe Obama will have his nose out of joint.

  5. I think it may. I think all the press is going to make her speech tonight one of the most watched speeches of either convention. I think she's going to hit it out of the park and change a few minds in the process.

  6. I think it will... consider this. Liberals push their agenda with stories such as Mrs. Palin's. So, for the general public seeing them attack her might make them wake up to their bias.

    Most people with children are aware they don't always do what you want. I wish they were like little robots!!! But, they're not. So to attack her on something she has little control over is definitely going to backfire.

    The media likes to pick on people tperceiveieve as weak. They are such bullies! We need to send them to Iraq to confront the insurgent terrorists. Oh, they doperceiveieve them as weak & would not really want their head cut-off on youtube!

  7. I think the "Pick a woman, any woman" plan has already backfired on you cons.

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