
Is the drop-goal ruining the rugby union game?

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I have been watching a few league games where a drop-goal is worth 1 point, this is good enough to break a deadlock but not usefull enough to pull away from your oponents. What do you think?




  1. A very good question.

    The drop goal is brilliant!!!

    Its harder than most people think especially in the last minutes of a very tight game, because both teams know how valuable it is.

    Good Luck England!!!!!

  2. A drop-goal is not hard to pull off. I played women's rugby and have managed to put over a few myself. I agree that it should only be worth 1 point.

  3. It depends on how it influences the team and the result of the game.

  4. no it is a good rule because england wouldnt have won the world cup if it wasnt an option

  5. its part of the game and any team is free to use it

    its difficult to pull off

    more points come from penalties or tries then from drop goals

  6. Yes, it is way too valuable. It needs to be used like it is in league. A way to snap a deadlock rather than an option to chalk up 12-15 easy points.

    Of course I won’t mind if Wilkinson smashes a few over against the frogs this weekend and gets them home.

  7. Sorry, that would be a development too far.In the game as originally devised the ONLY was to score was by kicking the ball over the bar between the posts, be it penalty or drop goal.THe reason the try is called a try is because what it earned you was a try at kicking a goal - the touchdown was worth nothing. The drop goal is part of the game - when the try was increased to 4 and then 5 points it was to address the perceived issue of kicks being overvalued - I think that was enough, anything more would be another step in the direction of "Rugby Lite".

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