
Is the duke tommy morrson still alive?

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boxer duke did he have aids hiv did he die when was his last fight what happened to him whee is he at now




  1. Yes.

    He is still HIV+.

    He takes a suppressant that is very effective against AIDS, but it does not cure HIV.

    He did fight a MMA a couple years ago, but the match was fixed.  He then fought and won a bout the was sanctioned by one of the lesser governing bodies of boxing.  His last fight was in February of this year, and he won by TKO.  He signed a fight at something like the Mountaineer Track or something like that, but he failed to supply a blood sample before the fight and the fight was scratched.  He has not boxed since.

    In addition to HIV, the Duke has had run ins with the law, used a variety recreational and performance enhancing drugs.  He claims that he has been clean and sober for years, but his credibility is sorely lacking and it is unlikely that he is clean or sober.

  2. yeah hes still alive, i remembered his deadly left hook in a fight like yesterday

  3. he's still alive

  4. i just read up on him and it is pretty interesting. he made a comeback into boxing after allegedly testing negative years after his retirement. he claimed that the results from the original test were false. he boxed in a few fights and later tested positive again. he has been fighting in a variety of different matches includeing mixed martial arts and boxing in the last few years but not in the wbo.

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