
Is the dyson dc17 animal the best of the range and where can I get it at a good price?

by Guest66803  |  earlier

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Is the dyson dc17 animal the best of the range and where can I get it at a good price?




  1. i have it yes yes yes  

  2. My partner works in a vacuum cleaner repair shop and does not recommend dysons - the shop is continually full of them as they are not reliable. The best vacuum cleaners are the Numatic Henry range.

    From another respondent on the Henry vacuum cleaner -


    Why is the henry vacuum cleaner so popular in the workplace?

    This isn't the cheapest cleaner; it doesn't seem the most practical because it uses bags; it has a funny face. Why then do so many professional cleaners and workplaces (even our gas man!) use the Henry as their vacuum cleaner? Is it that good? Should I think about getting one in my home?


    Basically they are almost indestructable. You know dyson? Well we have been using henrys without a bag since they were first launched. I put my hand over one to see how long it would take to blow up. 2 hours later, it conked out. 10 minutes later it was working again. We use them on building sites to pick up nails, plaster, concrete-if it fits through the pipe, a henry will pick it up. Get angry? Kick it as hard as you can...but you'll come off worse. Chuck it down the stairs-but you'll only damage your floor.

    I know this because I have done all these things, and worse. They are a modern piece of engineering genius and when I come home and see my girlfriend using the trendy £300 dyson she desperatly wanted, I never know whether to laugh or cry!

    I think the Henry is brilliant.

  3. They're not quite what they are cracked up to be. The upright models are very unstable when you are using the extension hose. I have had many bad bruises through mine falling onto my legs. For straight forward carpet vacuuming they are good but there are better designed vacuums on the market that don't batter your legs.

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