
Is the earth created in seven day as says in the english Bible or was it a revolution?

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Or would you say it was created by Lord Brahma which is described in our religious book GITA.




  1. Actually the Earth was "formed" and "made" withitn those 7 days. verse 1-It was created, verse 2- made without form and void of all life, then verse 3 picks up the clean up, restoring which took Him 6 days with a day off.

  2. I'm sure the English Bible is right.  When God spoke the Word to man, He obviously did it in Elizabethan English.

    This is why the Bible sounds so much like Shakespeare.  The Bible and Romeo and Juliet were written at the same time.

  3. Revolution??!

    But RESPECT to Hindus the oldest religion

  4. Well I believe the Earth was created by God for mankind.

    The Hebrew word translated "day" means a definite period of time  -  not a 24 -hour period.

    So the creation account - not story; account - goes along with modern science that has laid out the development of the earth.

  5. 7 days all infos say so.

  6. The earth was created as result of the "Big Bang" approximately 4 billion years ago. None of the fictional story book characters mentioned in religious fiction had a hand in it's creation.

  7. God created the earth and everything in it in the first 6 days and then on the 7th day he rested...which is why we have church on Sundays and don't work on those days. Um and the Lord our God deffinatly created the Earth! Read the Bible and in it are all the answers to all your questions! Praise be to God and Jesus! Remember they love you even if you don't love them.

  8. The earth was created in 6 days. On the 7th day, God rested.

  9. The earth was created on one day, by the word of god. the whole creation(sun, moon, stars,livingbeings etc) was done in 6 days. God rested on the 7th day.

  10. Come on? One almighty being that created everything with no proof whatsoever, seems a little farfetched. The Earth was created by rocks and gases forming over millions of years, it would be the universes biggest coincidence if something humans made up was actually true. Don't believe these religious nutjobs.

  11. neither it was created by the forces of the expanding universe, over millions of years,  the bible sotries are just that, written by a primative people trying to explain thier existance.

  12. There isn't any agreement at all on how the earth was created - was it a result of the Big Bang? Was it the gradual amalgamation of interstellar dust? Was it created by God, or Brahma, or Someone else?

    No one really knows, nor do they know what the time frame of creation was. But that doesn't mean that everyone isn't entitled to their own interpretation and their own belief. I'll grant you the right to be comfortable with what you believe, if you will grant me the right to be comfortable with what I believe. And as the end result was, there is an earth, and you and I both live on it in harmony, I think that's as far as we need to go.

  13. Yes, Earth was created by God. That is what I believe.

  14. Within traditional Judaism, which accepts the Biblical account as being dictated by G-d to Moses, there are actually various opinions as to how to view the days of creation.  Judaism has four levels of understanding the text and over 3000 years of oral traditions that cope with this question.

  15. It was created in six revolutions of the earth on it's axis as recorded in Genesis chapters 1-3.

  16. The earth was created in 7 days by an invisible god. Santa Claus lives at the North Pole and sees you when you're sleeping. The Easter Bunny lays colored eggs and the Tooth Fairy leaves you money under your pillow when you lose a tooth.

  17. god created the universe with something called the big bang and eventually got around to creating earth 4 and a half billion years ago

  18. All Gods are one according to me . So , God created the Heavens AND the earth.

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