
Is the economic problems America's facing now a result of the rich (the elite) not making as much money?

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that's an argument i've heard a few friends and family members make- the main reason our economy is so troubled is because the one's running the government- the banks, the businesses, etc. aren't making as much money as they used to- so they have to cut back jobs, rise prices, etc-

couldn't it also be the elite's greed- maybe they are taking in a lot of money- but just want the working and middle class to suffer- its hard to understand the problems with our economy because no one, no media station is giving a good explanation-




  1. that is because they are to busy pointing fingers at each other to care about us working middle class people. And the greedy are running everything just remeber they cant take it with them when they die. There are so many rich people that wont lift a finger to help the less fortunate  it just makes me angry. They are more then able to carry the load with thier millions too!

    I have a friend in Fl who told me about the woman that got caught stealing groceries because the home got forclosed on ,they lost thier jobs, and had 2 kids to feed. Did anyone step in to help her ? No! Knowone cared.

    She did not buy luxery items either just the basic neccessities.

  2. The trouble with our economy these days has nothing to do with the rich making less money.  The rich are making more money than ever, make no mistake about it.  At whose expense?  Ours.  The poor are getting poorer, and the middle class is getting squeezed so hard that many of us will end up in the poor category, the way things are going.  And who's getting fat?  Big oil.  Big government.  Big money.  Big greed.  It's time for a change.  In November, be sure you vote for that change.  In the meantime, vote with your wallet.  Money is always the way to get people to sit up and take notice.  We'd better be paying attention.

  3. Hey you can find all the info you need at this website.

  4. the gist of why the economy is suffering is because of subprime mortgages and gas prices, not to mention all the outsourcing that has plagued the nation for decades  people bought houses way to big for them to afford before is would eventually doom them, and gas prices make the prices for nearly everything else go up, and since most of it is foreign a lot of that money is going overseas, this means that people have less money to spend at places like wallmart and target and that is why the economy is spiraling downward, yes the middle class is getting screwed as most of the rich will continue to get richer, the only reason why the rich wouldnt get richer is because the stock market is going bananas

  5. theirs your money

  6. NOT TRUE. In the 50's, management made 50 times the lower-skilled workers, now it's more like 350 times (I read that in the Post-Standard a few years ago). Also, insurance CEOs make hundreds of thousands a year (individuals!!) and yet we wonder why our costs increase.

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