
Is the economy falling apart ....?

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With rising gas prices, rising food prices, home forclosures higher than ever,bank failures and nothing being done about it will the country's economy fall apart and possibly turn the reccession into a depression?




  1. Sure?

    It's the economy?

    Not the pyramid schemes created by the young one in town?

    Without solid foundation of "The Rule of 72"?

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  2. Yes nothing last forever and we need to learn to live with in or means.

  3. yes the economy can have a huge sharp decline like many countries out there.But with high taxes & prices it might not.The country is making a lot of money and I don't think the U.S will reach that kind of point.But thinking about it every single industry out there has declined since the early 2000's and it's sad that everything changed so sudden.Gas prices doesn't really have to do anything with the economy really.After the war in Iraq is over gas prices is fall down really sharply to below $3 per gallon.I think that the U.S can have some sort of economy decline after 2009-2010

  4. I'm just so glad people know so, so much about america's state as of now.

    I'm not betting on it, but speculators, SPECULATORS, have said that there is a 10% chance of a depression...And I seriously don't think people even know what that means. No one really dose know what a depression looks like, or even what really happens in a depression, since the 30's depression has only be a word. And most the people who have lived it has, either died or are too old to even give a schit~!

    And a depression now wouldn't look like the depression in the 30's, it would be much much worse, I mean the scale of things right now are just much more complex and more dependant on energy and life isn't as sustainable in America as it was in the depression...

    Also america is now such a globalized mess that it's going, well it HAS, ran it's FICO score in the trash with the world...I know america dosn't have a FICO score but it really dose...and countries are now getting away from the dollar as the "GOLDEN STANDERED" of currency and probably looking at the Euro as the new standered for trade. I bet OPEC is going to seriously think about making the EURO the new standered for trading oil...what dose that mean? It means that we can't borrow money like we used to be able to anymore, we WOULD NOT BE AS IMPORTANT GLOBAL PLAYER AS WE WERE... We are buying more than we produce, it's just a sad, sad state...

    And it's all of america's fault from the family just trying to make it, charging everything on thier credit, to the super rich profiting off of it...To congress, to your local reprenitives...

    America has been crooked and living the high life with credit cards and just like any other person who has fell into a credit card debt and ruined their credit score, so has america...

    We need a new deal agian, and revitalized american spirt. And maybe a depression will do it? 0_o...we need to get our feet back on the ground and not spend more than we make, and not buy more than we produce...

    The time will come for either a depression or revolution, that should be the real decision 2008...gosh.

  5. Okay, we are not even in a recession.

    Everybody thinks we are, but we are not.

    A recession is 2 quarters of negative GDP growth.

    We have had growth, just not as much as we are used to, so people are freaking out!!

    As for gas prices... you can blame congress for that. They put the prices on oil because they think that we are running short on oil, but we only have used up 1/3 of the Earth's oil sources.

    And studies say we have more oil in the US that has been undrilled, than we have ever drilled in the US ever.

    Please don't worry about a recession or a depression. It's not going to happen!

  6. It wont matter. This has been all planned out. The international bank cartels are getting rid of the surplus of the American dollar. Is it coincidence that the Mexican peso is about to beat us? Recession or not, the majority of the smaller banks will close, giving more business to the larger ones, specifically the federal reserve, which is not a government regulated bank, but a private one. The same thing has happened at least 3 times in the past, each time, closing banks, raising prices, and financial woes. We will come back up, but know that it is all part of the agenda. (NAU)

  7. we will pull out of it

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