
Is the education system getting influenced by feminist ideologies?

by Guest63074  |  earlier

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Young impressionable minds are perhaps the most vulnerable of the lot and if certain extreme schools of thought within feminism have managed to percolate their ideas into schools and colleges what could be the consequences ?




  1. Yes, boys are everyday made to hear that males are responsible for everything wrong with the world, men are the ogres and demons. Women are the reason something in the world is good, they are delicate, pure and virtuous princesses who need all the care in the world.

    And you can see the boys squashed in their seats with heads bowed, silently apologizing for their existence, while the girls sit smug and bloated with inflated egos.

    This happens everyday in some class or another in my school. Read these questions (my answers to those would help to some degree, but I think the question details should suffice):;...;... (Read my answer);...

    These are examples of the half-baked ideologies fed to students on a nearly daily basis. Any honest student will tell you that this is true.

    Teachers hint on an almost daily basis in schools that girls are angels to be nurtured and cared for, while boys are problems to be solved.

    And there is an extreme school of feminist thought even after school. This is called a Women's Studies classroom:

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    I posted many links, so read them all if you have the time. This is no small issue. It is an effort from feminists to brainwash people at the grassroots level, and must be stopped. School is where you get knowledge and facts, not half-baked political ideologies. Teachers should give the facts and let students form their own opinions instead of giving them teachers' opinions which ust be believed and leaving doubters to search for the real facts. Sadly, the latter happens far too often today.

  2. Why yes, now boys and girls are taught they are equal and have free choice in terms of acitivities and hobbies, and sit in mixed classrooms and learn the same things. The horror!

  3. Feminism speading its tentacles into education system is like Taliban preaching Islam to children...just that the former is more sophisticated and better camouflaged.

  4. I hate to point this out but during world war 2 the Germans and Japanese did the same type of thing and look at the hate it manifested. if some of you didn't know this then do some research on it and you will find that it was one of and perhaps the main driving force that was behind the mass killings of the Jews and Chinese.

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