
Is the election going to be like the O.J. Simpson trial?

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O.J. was acquitted because people were afraid there would be riots in the street. He was OBVIOUSLY guilty and has since admitted it many times. Will Obama be elected for the same reason?




  1. O.J. was not acquitted "because people were afraid there would be riots in the street."  You are certainly entitled to hold that opinion, but you have not a shred of evidence to support it.  Further, O.J. has not "admitted" that he was guilty many times, nor even once.  Certainly he may have implied that he was guilty, such as in his book "If I Did It," but that is not the same thing as admitting it.

    Since the first two of your three sentences are of questionable veracity, there is no reason to assume your third question is any different.  Whether or not Obama is elected will have nothing to do with "riots in the street."  Your suggestion is simply part of the classic stereotypical response that the only way a black man could achieve such a position is because of some unfair advantage.

  2. not at all.

  3. You mean with the corrupt cops and prosecutors?

  4. YES

  5. First of all how do you know that's why OJ was acquitted. Second Barack never killed anyone.

    Using your logic why can't we give McSame the win to prevent whites from rioting.

  6. I don't think so. Obama represents many segments of society. If he wins it is because many different people support him.

    If McCain wins, it is because people are afraid of new ideas and a new vision of what America can be.

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