
Is the electric car "reva' available now, please give details about its price, new and used and its tech specs

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Is the electric car "reva' available now, please give details about its price, new and used and its tech specs




  1. See the given link

  2. Cute little car. Range is only about 40 miles and takes 8 hours to fully charge. Is fine for use in the city if you don't need to go very far.

  3. Sorry if you are in the US. Car doesn't pass safety measures. Who knows when if ever it will be allowed.

  4. Definately available, atleast for California.

    Tesla Roadster - Fully Electric supercar for roughly 90k, Expensive yes, but this thing competes with Lamborghini's.

    There is also a company that has electric engines placed on each wheel. Not in production but they made a mini prototype (Very impressive!)

    I hear Mitsubishi is looking into that technology, maybe somebody else knows more about that.

    P.S. I was going to provide more details but I thought supplying some websites for you would be more informative. Enjoy!

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