
Is the existence and suspicion of UFO's just a smoke-screen to cover up Top Secret projects?

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do you guys think that the U.S. goverment is using the wole UFO phenomenom/sightings and conspiracy theories to cover up real projects? Such as new technology and aircraft the military is working on. One example is that we only learn about the new aircraft unitil its actually tested in the field of battle, such as a the Nighthawk, Predator (unmanned aircraft), and the Blackbird. Also, do you think the saucers/UFOS that people report are actually U.S. manned aircraft for testing?




  1. Yes, its been leaked by someone who worked with projects such as these that the U.S. has the ability to construct craft that can cancle out gravity, this is old news. They had this technology for decades.

  2. Ehh, its a possibility that the UFOs are actually owned by the US, be it a test run or otherwise. I don't think they even need to cover it up, as people will automatically think it is a paranormal thing. If the US actively tried to cover it up it would be more likely that people would find out the truth.

  3. ABSOLUTELY NOT. The government does NOT have "top secret" project or secret aircraft or any aircraft that people call Aurora sir. There never was. Those UFOs are absolutely real alien vehicles.

  4. Yes, for a small percentage of the sightings.

    We had the F117 for a decade before it was made public.  It's period of service and the period directly before it (when prototypes would have been flight tested) just happens to be when the 'black triangle' UFO's came into popularity.  Guess what a flying F117 looks like?  A black triangle!  Hmm...

    It's more plausible than alien spacecraft by at least a factor of a million.  The government doesn't even really have to try, they just make up lame little projects every once in a while like project bluebook to give the alien conspiracy *just enough* credibility that it continues, but not enough that the public really takes it seriously.  It's the perfect coverup.

    Disinformation has been an intelligence tactic for longer than there have been organized intelligence agencies.

    I said a small percentage, I still think the vast majority of UFO sightings are just people who see natural phenomenon and get wigged out about it, then the whole episode gets exaggerated in their minds so that they don't even realize they're telling an exaggeration.

  5. Some of it may be; there has been some information to support that in the past.  However, I have always been a firm believer that the remainder of UFO sightings are totally fabricated or are some other natural or man-made phenomenon that is mistaken for an alien spacecraft.

    It always amazes me that people think that a society that is intelligent and advanced enough to create a vehicle to cross time and space and go to the trouble of visiting this planet out of all those in the universe would not make any attempt to contact us or would only appear in rural areas and kidnap goofy rednecks with two teeth.  We are a pretty bright species and we have actively tried to make contact with other life, so it only makes sense that a species intelligent enough to make it here would do the same.

  6. WHYY of course.. NOT why would they say there are alien beings instead of showing an "unmanned aircraft" i mean what could be more secret than aliens seriously

  7. MUFON study conducted couple of decades ago showed that majority of the UFO sightings can easily be explained. As you pointed out, many of them are black project vehicles tested by the airforce.

    But there is still about 3% of the sighting that we just cannot be explained. Unlike some have suggested this isn't a large number -- that is we don't have aliens flying around our atmosphere taking in the rural scenery. The actual amount is very small and logical one.

    It is this number that we believe are true UFOs - alien spacecraft or vehicle not of this earth.

    PS: Before we set foot on the moon, number of scouting vehicles (manned and unmanned) were sent. If we found out that the moon is inhabited by race violent species, we would be vary of any contact with them. This same logic applies to an alien race visiting us.

  8. Some UFO reports are probably from such sightings.

  9. Personally, I see the world as much more black and white than you do apparantly. The US government isnt trying to s***w everyone over. (Except iraq maybe *zing!*)

    UFO's are explainable phenonemon. Aliens probably do exist, sure but I doubt they fly around earth looking at the lovely scenery without stopping in for a cup of coffee.

    Aircraft arent unveiled until theyre flyable, which is obvious - If they c**k up a project, they can just deny its existence (Jet Packs or UFO's anyone?) And its vital to keep sensitive information away from any opposing threats.

    Its an interesting question non-the-less, as it does draw up controversy about what the public knows about its leaders, sorry i dont have a better answer. All I can say, is that its relative to how you envision the world.

  10. Nope

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