
Is the extent of Palin's foreign policy experience a trip to the lower 48?

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I love how the neocons squirm their way out of this boo boo. But it is nice to see them defend inexperience for a change. lol




  1. It's comparable to Obama's...  Whoops, he's been to Kenya but I'm not sure that she has.

    Do you REALLY want to go there?  Pointing out her inexperience will give you lots of responses and they won't be anti-Palin ones.  Even Obama is intelligent enough to leave this one alone, for good reason.

  2. I am afraid it is. Now she'll have to do a traveling to become a so called expert

  3. so you agree she has just as much experience as Oblabla

  4. Barry smoked pot and snorted coke in Indonesia.

    WOW.  This guy can definitely lead the U.S. in world affairs.

  5. I know!  Let's send her on a 2 week tour of Europe and Iraq.  She could give a speech at the Brandenburg Gate!  Oh wait, that's what Obama did for his foreign policy resume.

  6. Al Franken went to Iraq to see the troops too, anyone want him for VP to a seventy two year old president?

    So did Kathy Griffin if you want a woman.

    What?  No neocon   takers?

    I always knew they had no sense of humor.

  7. She did go to Iraq to see the troops, so I guess about the same as Obama.

  8. Don't forget she has to deal with those nasty Canadians and defend the US/Russian border!

  9. So good it had be said thrice.

  10. According to McCain, she went to Kuwait, met with the Alaskan National Guard, and was a member of the PTA.  That more than qualifies her for, apparently, anything.

  11. No, she once shot a Canadian Moose, so much for diplomacy!

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