
Is the fact Obamas hot a legitimate reason to vote for him?

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*Coughs* Not that i actually AM voting.

I'm 13... And from england...

Ahh well! Ya know what i mean!

Who're you all for?




  1. Sadly there are a bunch of Americans that are that "Shallow and Stupid."

  2. Ewww. He is far from hot!

  3. Not really, but he does have the level head and is the best qualified among the candidates.

  4. It's a battle Obama's coolness vs. Palin and ?Mccain, Obama needs no vp. Sadly that's why many people will vote for him. But the racist will balance that out so it doesn't matter

  5. Phony Man. Hes another Kennedy. Fake

  6. Well, if you're into admitted crackheads with big ears then go for it.

    McCain/Palin '08

  7. Your lucky you live in England, both our candidates SUCK

  8. That's like voting for John McCain because of Sarah Palin.  Like I said before, there is a reason why you have to be at least 18 to vote in the country.

  9. Haha, I guess...he can be the next Kennedy...who got assassinated (girls thought he was hot, haha)

    Why the thumbs downs?  

    Ooooh, now I see what I did...didn't mean to make it sound like that, haha

  10. Well I never thought he was hot.  He needs a serious ear pinning.  But anyway for everyone voting by looks we should have a major convert to the McCain camp as Palin's husband is way hotter than Obama could ever hope to be..

  11. Whilest you can TECHNICALLY vote for whomever you want based on whatever reason you want, I would strongly suggest finding a better reason than "OMG!!!1 Hez such a hotT!!!!11" The administration voted in on looks alone usually doesn't end well... see the Kennedy Administration for proof.

  12. reason enough for me, hmmm maybe he needs a "Monica Lewinsky" *scratches head*  

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