
Is the female politician in UK that advocated job recruitments based on gender a feminist?

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Edit: Nitebear does that mean blatant and open preference for women ?

How do we justify gender discrimination when it is in favour of women but not when it is in gvour of men?

Where do you think those males will earn their livelihood?

Wont this increase unemployment in one particular gender?




  1. Not necessarily such as many gov'ts in western countries have become politically correct and want a greater mix of genders and ethnics in police and other gov't agencies.  So what they do is set hiring targets based on percentages to have more women and ethnics.

    So if a polititian gets complaints that an agency is not meeting these specs for hiring they push for more.

  2. Not a real feminist no.  Real feminism is (or should be) about equal rights for women.  This is about preferential treatment for women, which in the end will only rebound on women and have a disastrous effect.

  3. Look, you have to realise that the rubbish about women being hired in more jobs and closing of female prisons ISN'T about women and men. These are two laws amongst dozens of bizarre and discriminate laws in the UK government.

    In the same way that this annoys men like ytou because you think women are getting prefferencial treatment, it's annoying women for being made to look like we are supporting it and wanting special treatment. It's like this chirstmas being offensive to foreginers - the government is stating this, not the foreigners.

    It isn't men and women it's US against the government, we need to band together!!!

    EIT: Thank you, I find your questions interesting.

  4. Maybe. Who knows.

    However her advocation is essentually meaningless. She said if a male and female candidate are equally qualified for the job it is okay for the employer to choose the female on the grounds of increasing diversity......This is no change from before! If a male and female were equally qualified the employer could already choose whoever they felt like, they don't have to justify it.

    And in reality no two candidates are ever equally qualified.

  5. I doubt it, as the positive discrimination also applies to ethnic minorities and older people.

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