
Is the first amateur radio set still in existance and if so where is it and how old is it?

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Is the first amateur radio set still in existance and if so where is it and how old is it?




  1. while I cannot give an EXACT answer,for a quick start you can begin at

    ham radio was a process that developed and evolved over many years and is still evolving.the link I typed in does not work (I tried it)so start like I did and do a google search by entering "ham radio" history (3 words) and click on the wikipedia link that way

  2. I agree with Karl (KJ4DW) -- until licenses and commercial operation of radio evolved, everyone was an 'amateur'.  The oldest radio I know of appears in a photo at the site that appears first in Google when you enter "J C Bose radio" as the search terms.  This goes all the way back to 1897.  J C Bose is now widely acknowledged to be the inventor of radio.  He predates Marconi by many years.  He was a pure scientist -- he cared little about commercial applications.

  3. Because "amateur radio" has evolved slowly there was no one "first amateur radio set". The term "amateur radio" came into existence in the 20's. Prior to commercial radio, all radio was "amateur" I suppose (that is, no one made any money doing it). So I suppose that the first amateur radios were the old spark-gap rigs, some of which are still around in museums (and the ARRL site W1AW).

    73 de Carl AJ4DW

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