
Is the first time snowboarding hard?

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im 14 and going snowboarding in two weeks and is it hard the first time?and do you get really sore afterwards?? i already know how to ski too.




  1. I went from skiing to snowboarding about 2 years ago.  It take a while to get used to it.  You most likely fall a lot too.  If you play it safe and don't do hard runs you  should  be ok.

  2. You will be constantly falling over for the first couple of days. If you own a pair of gloves with wrist protectors in them - wear them, you'll be grateful.

    As you can already ski, you have a slight advantage.  Make sure you get some lessons from a professional teacher, don't rely on your friends for correct techniques.

    Skiing has a very steady learning curve, snowboarding is a very steep curve, but once you "get it" it's very easy to improve your skills.

  3. If you know how to ski something like blues or greater it will be difficult. I took my friends out a few weeks ago, and one of them was able to ski black diamonds, and the other had never seen snow. Needless to say, the one that had never seen snow picked it up 100x faster, while the one that skis black diamonds spent the time on her butt in the snow. she eventually turned in the board for some planks. When you learn how to ski, and you ski well, it is much more frustrating, and your body has to learn how to use the different muscles used for snowboarding versus skiing. I would suggest getting a professional instructor instead of your friends. Im an instructor and i have taught many snowboard lessons with a mix of, never been boarding or skiing, ski very well, and people who were taught by their friends. all in all, the people who have never been doing either have done the best, followed by the people who can ski, then last the people taught by their friends. When you are taught by your friends, you dont know who they were taught by, or how they were taught. they may have a technique that works for them, but only a professional instructor can tell you the technique that works for you.

    If you get an instructor and go slow and dont get frustrated, you should be fine. good luck and get some shredding in!

  4. biginers tend to slide down the hill on their heel a lot and dont go on their tow very often so you will get very sore in youre thighs. However, once you improve it is a lot easier. You really don't need lessons. people take lessons because they are not confident enough. You can really learn faster without them. I never got any and I was great by lunch on my first day.

  5. my kids (13 yo) have been skiing for 11 years. they boarded for the 1st time this week. they both were maneuvering a green  after moving from the magic carpet area in a few hours. 5 days later tail bone soreness and arm / shoulder soreness are still a hot topic. I went to learn to board the following day because my kids loved it and i figured i'd better keep an open mind. i did amazingly well, but i am an avid wake boarder. i fell a handful of times but was actually carving, not sliding. I'm afraid to go again cause it can't all go so good. do. have fun. it's a blast

  6. Well, its definately not easy

    All I have to say is don't be arrogant.

    Because thats how my friend broke her arm.

    Listen to the person teaching you closely.

    Dress warmly and wear snow pants,

    because you will fall.

    Its not as easy as it looks, it takes a lot of balance and practice to get good.

    And ALWAYS make sure that when you fall

    you fall forward and NOT backwards,

    because that is precisely how my friend broke her arm.

    Good Luck though.


  7. it usually is hard the first day and some times the 2 day but after that it is really easy! and alot of FUN!, but it helps if you get lessons! i got lessons and at the end of that day i was coming down the mountain with out falling it was awesome! but you will have sooo much fun! and yeah you get really really sore like really really sore even if your athletic you still get sore but it is totally worth it!

    * and make sure you wear a helmet and get wrist guards* trust me you will need them! and have FUN!

  8. I thought it was easy the first time.  I had been skateboarding for years though, so maybe it just came naturally.  I've heard that whichever you learn first (skiing or snowboarding) is usually what ends up being easier for you, so it might be a little harder to pick up snowboarding if you already ski.  The two are pretty different as to the motions your body has to make.  But yes, you will be sore afterwards...but doesn't that feel great?

  9. you will fall... a lot... you just need to be really patient and remind yourself that if you're not struggling than you're not human. it's not one of those things that you can be a natural at.

    but once you learn the basics it's just evolution.

  10. I just went snowboarding for the first time a month ago, and yes it is hard but so is every sport. I wasn't sore and I fell down a lot. You could take a beginner lesson, but really all you have to do is practice honestly get somebody to give you the basics and go up the lift with you and even though it's hard you'll naturally get the hang of it. Just keep practicing keep getting up and try again. It's hard but a ton of fun!

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