
Is the food good in Germany I herd its not . can u tell me.?

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Is the food good in Germany I herd its not . can u tell me.?




  1. Yes German food is excellent!. But Germany is lacking good North American foods, such as real hamburgers, nachos, french onion soup, chicken fingers, chicken wings etc. You can find many authentic German restaurants here, but other nationality foods seem to taste different. Such as I order 'American pizza', and it came with french fries on the pizza....strange! Also I don't find the Pizza good here, they put corn on everything

  2. the food is awesome!! it's the best!! they have a pasta like dish, it was explained to me as being like a potatoe pasta- OMG it is the best thign ever! and their pizza is so good! i love the bread personally-- it's kinda hard on the outside but it's that wonderful soft inside! and of course german chocolate is unbelieveable! it's like heaven! (well most of it is) kinder chocolate is the best ever!! it has an extra layer that looks like white chocolate but it's a milk layer... it's extra calcium for kids, and they have one that i can't remember the name of, but it is a boxed shape chocolate (like nestle treasures) and the inside is liquid espresso! YUMM!! german food is one of the best!! if you can go outside the big city to smaller villages i totally recommend it... each small town has their own little restaurant and they are so good and family owned- it's so awesome! my trip to Germany was such a wonderful time, i would love to go back!

  3. Excellent food in Germany.. Every country has its specialities and all good

  4. if u like german food the germans are good cooks

  5. I'm currently stationed in Germany and one thing i miss is mashed potatoes with my steaks!! I always get fries and its just not the same, other than that yea they have good food!! But you must and i mean you must try the truest bestes ice cream! Vanilla is Vanilla, Chocolate is Chocolate, (You get the point) the thing is they don't use artificial stuff, its soo good. My #1 thing i'll miss from here #2 Going 100 on the autobahn!

  6. My son's girlfriend lives in Germany.  On her last trip to America she made us some of her favorite German dishes.  We all thought they were very good.

  7. The German food is SOOOO good. And not just the German food but also the chinese, Italy, and Greek food resturants in Germany are also good. Stay away from those backeri's (backerys) if you don't want to gain weight. I have yet to find a true German resturant in the U.S.

  8. I never can tell the difference between pork, chicken and beef!! I know I order chkn, i'm just not sure what I get!!

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