
Is the freedom of speech going to limited under the weight of Obama?

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  1. I often find it amazing when people on this forum post links in their questions or answers which do not support their apparent positions, and in some cases which actually contradict them.  It makes me think that either the posters didn't read the attached link at all, or at least did not read it in its entirety.  

    Such is the case here.  Nowhere in the article was there any suggestion that Obama or his supporters were trying to prevent someone from exercising his right to free speech.  What they were trying to do was provide a counter to the falsehoods spewed by Kurtz, or at least to have people express their outrage that such garbage was to be aired.

    The concept of "freedom of speech" does not mean that you are free to say whatever you want without being challenged on it.  It means that you are free to say what you want without being arrested and imprisoned for it by the government, except in those cases where such speech would constitute a "clear and present danger," as laid out in the Supreme Court case "Schenck v. US."  The US has libel and slander laws designed to protect individuals from false and harmful accusations by other individuals.  You cannot simply say anything you want about anybody you want without possibly suffering some consequences.  

  2. The left is waging an all out war against talk radio. Freedom of speech be damned.

  3. yes

    people are scared to criticise or find fault with obama without running the risk of being called racist

  4. The Republican radio shows should be allowed to speak.  But someone should be checking what they say to insure its accuracy.  If a conservative talk show gets air time, a liberal talk show should be allowed just as much air time on the same station.  That's the way it used to be.  We need to go back to that style of broadcasting once again if we are really concerned about Freedom of Speech.  

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