
Is the function of censorship to ensure morality?

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Is the function of censorship to ensure morality?




  1. What morality? Even if censorship were used to "ensure morality" it sure doesn't look like it's doing the job. I believe a good deal of the lack of morals has to do with poor parenting! Morality cannot be taught by letting everyone go through life completely ignorant.

  2. It is often meant that way, yes.

    As a way to control what people think. To make clear to people what is and what is not acceptable to say/show/do.

    IMO censorship should be kept to a minimum at all times. Let people decide for themselves.

  3. Morality, "American style," is the defence of free speech.

    Any faction that claims it is defending morality by limiting speech would be setting bad precedent if it was allowed by the courts. If one faction says we can't say or publish "this," another faction can then make the claim that we cannot say or publish "that."

    Certainly you cannot incite a riot or yell fire in a crowded theater--but you could yell it if you were the only one in it. That is not censorship to prevent it in a crowded theater--it is public safety so you are not the one to get trampled to death when there is no fire at all.

    The "function" of censorship is to shut down ideas someone doesn't like.

  4. Possibly.At other times it is just a display of power.Keeping thoughts you do not want to spread through the public under wraps.

  5. Maybe as a side benefit, but it's real function is control of the many by the few.


  6. in theory yes but it is often used to show only what the person in power wants people to see

  7. The self censorship.

  8. Censorship, as it seems to me, is based on the precept that if no one disagrees with me, I must be right.

    Kind of like a "morality" based on a consensus of ignorance.


    Censorship is always the conscious suppression of thought.

    Defend that, you thumbs down troll.

  9. The function of censorship is to ensure social control by the hegemonic bourgeois status quo.

  10. No. The function of censorship is to ensure government control of the media.

  11. Censorship is a way of shaping a person. Sure, it can be used to ensure morality (in the right hands), but it can just as easily prevent morality (e.g. n**i's censoring pictures, books, etc. that made Jews look like decent human beings).

  12. Sometimes. Sometimes the function is to preserve society, protect certain interests, prevent greater wrongs than censorship, etc.

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