
Is the game "pull my finger" uniquely American or is it a multi-cultural phenomenon?

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Is the game "pull my finger" uniquely American or is it a multi-cultural phenomenon?




  1. IDK but America rocks because we come up with such great games like "pull my finger" and "safety, doorknob".

  2. No, they play in the UK too. It makes my toddler shriek with laughter when his daddy does it.

  3. Its everywhere, not just american.

  4. I once heard a British observation about Americans,

    "They put hot water in their tea to make it hot, then ice to make it cold, sugar to make it sweet, lemon to make it sour.  When they belch they say, 'excuse me' when they f**t, they laugh".

  5. I'd never heard of the "safety, doorknob" game! Thanks Yahoo Answers :D

  6. Muti-cultural.

    I've heard this same phrase from all over the world, that I'm in contact with...quite a lot of contact.

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