
Is the gamo hunter extreme capeable of taking out a fox or something else large like a coyote?

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plz reply and sugg. any gun u think kan and what .cal do u think i should get my extreme in




  1. while it would probobly kill a fox, it would not be human to do so. the fox may only be injured by the hit, run off and take days to die. A coyotee wouldn't die at all. if you want to kill foxs and coyotees you need at least a 22 magnum or .17 hmr. thats a bare minimum and anything less would be too cruell. a 22 rimfire can be purchesed for less money then the gamo hunter, and the 22 magnum can be bought for just slightly more. get your self a real rifle. A real sportsman doesnt let his animal suffer unnecisarily.

  2. Remember you said capible,defiantly, at close range say 50 yards bullet placement is the key bullet placement is the most important thing,  on any shot, with any caliber. One in the brain will do the trick, but remember the brain of a coyote is very small at 25 yd.s so practice. varmint hunting is fun . i`ve kill coyotes with my bow you got to get close. You asked if this gun could do the trick. Yes  easily in expert hands. would it be ethical or humane questionable.others might not think so but  remember this gun can take out a human so be very careful.  lots of luck good shootin.

  3. David...

    No. Emphatically NO.

    Please use a larger caliber on larger quarry. It is more humane to put down varmints immediately with out suffering.

    Ya wouldn't shoot a 200lb. whitetail, mule deer or javelina with a .22 rimfire would you?

    The use the proper caliber for certain purposes to expediate, dispatch or put down your quarry with out suffering instantly, is humane.

    Taking it with a high powered pellet rifle is not appropriate. Disregard the You Tube Marketing of the Gamo hog kill.

    If you cannot make a humane killshot, then don't take it.

    I would use at least a .308. I have a Winchester feather weight, circa 1984. It is small light and with the right bullet will dispatch any small predator harming livestock. A Browning 30.06 semi auto rifle for close range protection against larger quarry. I think ruger puts out a high performance .30 caliber semi auto in ranch rifle configuration. Ammo is common for all three rifles.

    Pick a good scope & good mounts.

    Good Husbandry, Good Hunting.

  4. No it's not capeable  all that would do is bounce off the animal if it even came close to hitting the animal which I doubt because you would never be able to get close enough most shots at predators are 100yds or better sometimes you can get closer shots but more often than not you can't.

  5. A fox, maybe. Coyotes...not at all. You need at least a .223 varmint rifle, NOT an air rifle.

    But if you're wanting to shoot things just to "have fun", take it to a target range.

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