
Is the ghost good or bad?

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My sister and i think there is a ghost in our house,

I've seen it around my house and whenever i walk into my parents room, i always feel someone is watching me.

One time when me and my sister were in the bathroom brushing our teeth when everyone was sleeping, a lint roller on the other side of the bathroom just tipped and stood up again, as if someone just hit it with their elbow and brought it back up. We were totally freaked out. We always hear foot steps and some of the doors randomly slam when the windows are closed and no one else is around. Our t.v.'s turn off spontaniously and sometimes we'll open our window in our room and come back and the window will be closed, we know it's not our parents because it's happened when we were home alone. We did research and we found out that there used to be an old lady who lived in our house and her son built it. We think she passed away and stayed here because it reminded her of her son. Is this spirit a good one or a bad one?




  1. Well, since this ghost is in your imagination, you can decide whether you want it to be good or bad.

  2. The spirit is a bad one cuz its in your home and is interfering; this is how it starts.





  3. if it was a bad ghost it would of probably tried to scare you maybe kill you. Dont be afraid of it maybe its more like a gaurdian of the house you know. Maye that poor ghost wasnt ready to die when it did and is lonely....if you want to make sure its a ghost you should go to town hall and find out who use to live in the house before you and why they left.

  4. Ghosts are not Good or Bad by nature,  It is the afterlife body of some person who in life was good or bad, so they will be the same in death.

  5. well to be honest im not sure because there ghost that make noice and there not bad she might just be giving you guys signs that she is lonely or she might just be screaming for help most likely she wants someone to help her to get to the other side you never know

  6. It's a glorious ghost if it puts back things it knocked over!

    Just call upon it to confront it and ask it why it's there. I doubt you'll get an answer but i had a ghost in my house for some while and we were quite matey although he never spoke he used to float around and keep me company when i was lonely. Just openly speak to it with statements of friendship even if it might not answer directly it might give you a sign.

    Don't worry!

  7. wow

  8. ghosts can be attached to their houses and thats what it sounds like.

    basicly the ghost isnt bad.. she . ( or he) isnt hurting you or breaking things. its hard to think about ghosts in a positive light simply because they're scary! if this is the little old lady, i wouldnt' worrya bout it.. but dont be surprised if you're scared of her.. its not easy to shake that feeling.

    dont provoke it. dont try to "save her" and don't try to communicate through meditation. all these open up "doors" that can allow other spirits in your home. these should be done by REAL professionals ( dont be afraid to be skeptical if people really have a gift or not since most dont, and if they don't know what they're doing.. your home could be troublesome.)

    but again basicly it sounds like the ghost isnt harming anyone. just don't tick it off.. remember that this is their home too, your family may have bought and paid for it but to a ghost.. who cares!

  9. It doesn't sound like a bad spirit to me.  I've had a few experiences with bad spirits, and they are NOT nice.  Have you mentioned any of this to your parents?  

    There are paranormal groups everywhere - do a web search to find one in your area and clear it with your parents before you invite them over, of course.  A reputable group will not charge to do an investigation.  

    Another poster had good suggestions about trying for an EVP, etc, so I won't repeat those.  

    I agree, the woman probably stayed around because she loved her home.  She's definitely trying to get your attention.

  10. some ghost are good but some are not, usually those who committed suicides are bad to have their revenge

  11. What you are describing sounds to me like possible poltergeist activity. Of course there are many natural causes for most of the occurrences that you and your sister have been experiencing. For instance the footsteps could be the house settling, the doors slamming could be caused by an AC unit or a draft. The windows could be a faulty mechanism and the TV on and off could be a wiring problem or a possibly the remote control was accidentally touched. As far as the lint roller standing up on it's own I would say that could be poltergeist activity. Do these things happen when your sister and you are not around or just when one or both are there? Poltergeist activity usually is centered around someone going through puberty and usually lasts anywhere from two weeks to about two years. I don't believe that there is any danger to anyone in this case. You should discuss this with your parents and possibly have a local Paranormal Investigative team come and and get their opinion on these events. I wish you luck!

  12. If you believe in God, heres a way to tell.

    Next time you feel it in the room with you, ask it this question "do you acknowledge that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, and is the Son of God?"(i.e. "do you admit that Jesus Christ came to earth as a man, though still fully God, and is the Son of God Almighty")

    if it says "no" than it is an evil spirit, if it says "yes" than it is a good one. This is infallible. (it says so directly in the Bible)

  13. I don't think its out to get you !!!!

    When i was younger i had experiences of my own, this is the story:

    was six and lived in Trenton , MI . When the family and I were sitting on the living room couch watching TV, they all of the sudden heard a loud crash that sounded like glass breaking. We ran down stairs to find the remains a light bulb in swept into a dust pan with a broom standing next to it , between that experience many things happened in that home such as things flying across the TV stand onto the floor was one creepy experience.Another is when my mother one day was doing laundry and something screamed boo in her ear . What ever was there in the home struck me in the back with a shoving almost like a smack when i was sitting down and watching tv and shortly after My mom had told me at night she would hear footsteps around her bed at night on a daily basis.”

    ------- maybe it wants you to communicate with you, try this :)

    E.V.P. is another way of communicating with spirits ..... here is the list of E.V.P. questions we tend to use most of the time , we sometimes ask more but heres some basic :

    *TO Do an E.V.P. Session or recording session 101*

    ----Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP): An EVP is the attempt to capture a ghost or spirits voice on audio recording tapes. Typically there is no voice heard to the people present at the recording but after playing back the tapes there are sometimes strange voice recordings.

    what we do is explain what a recorder is

    *Please speak loudly into the device with the red dot on it, it helps us hear your voice.*

    - we usually record for like 15 - 20 mins. a session and give about 15- 40 secs in between each question we ask :)

    It takes time for them to reply, their voice isn’t as quick as ours in replying.

    Ask Questions with a digital recorder like :

    1. Is any one here.

    2. Is there any one who would like to make their presence known?

    3. Can you give us a sign your here.

    4. Can you give us a sign your here by making a noise or moving some thing.

    5. What is your age or how old are you?

    6. What year is it or do you know what year it is?

    7. Can we help you?

    8. Do you need help?

    9. Are you lost?

    10. Are you upset we’re here?

    11. Would you like us to leave?

    12. Are you upset the home owners are here.

    13. Is this your home / business?

    14. If you have any thing to say speak loudly into the tape recorder. (Explain what the tape recorder is).

    15. We’re here to try and help you; we’re not here to harm you. Please let us know what we can do.

    you can also bring a 3 mega pixel camera or lower usually the higher the mega pixel drowns out spirit formation and may cause Matrixes *which is what many people Misinterpret certain things in photos to be evidence of paranormal*

    after you do that with the photos and E.V.P.s i have programs where i can analyze them for you :) you can email me privately again for this just attach them....

    Ryan ~Paranormal Investigator/Researcher~ ~

    Email me for further questions :)


  14. There is a good posibility that you have poltergeist activity in your home, but to be sure I would need a little more info.  I do not believe that you have anything in your home that will cause you harm.  If it is as I have said, it will go away after a period of time.

  15. well,...many people refuse 2 bleave this fact , but old habitats of a house are NEVER evil or wicked or even frightening, ya know why ?! cuz evil spirits never stay in one place for so long, they're quit greedy to find more and more people ,to hear theyr screams of horror !!  :-D so...U can B sure , the ghost in U're house in only as bad as old lady ! and another thing, it's a bit funny, but my grandma said if U ignor the spirits actions, it will no longer appear to be there , it may B around U , watching U , but it won't make noises , and stops making things move , jus try !

  16. The ghost is neither good nor bad.  Ghosts don't exist.

    You can convince yourself someone is watching you anywhere if you believe someone is watching you.

    What makes you think ghosts have nothing better to do than to stomp around slamming doors and windows.

    You are clearly just looking for a story to support your belief in ghosts.  Abandon the magical thinking and live an evidence-based life.  It's far more fulfilling.

  17. First of all, "it's my sister and I".  But that sounds like a ghost to me.  Looks like she is there to stay so get used to it.  She is bored, and is just keeping her self busy.  Try to find out her name and when she does something just say hello and good day, like she is still alive.  That will keep her on your good side.

  18. If you believe in the theory that ghosts are the surviving personality or consciousness of a once physical person then one simply has to judge her character when she was alive to answer if you judge her to be a good or bad person. So, just look at this woman's life.

    Some religions believe that all ghosts are demons in disguise and thus evil and masquerading as a ghost.

    I have always personally felt that if the devil himself wants to show up and offer me good advice and comfort that is in line with any of my loved deceased relatives he is welcome to assist me. I wouldn't take stupid or harmful advice from the devil or my most loved ones (alive or not).

    Many religions have rituals for clearing and protecting a house (sage smudging, holy water, blessed candles, prayer) they may or may not hold any power (like a bullet would for living people) but any spirit would get the idea that your concerned about the activity.


  19. Mostly they're good... but it's the malevolent ones you hear about most.

  20. probably good b.c if it was bad it would always try to scare you but the things she is doing she is just trying to make connection she cant talk to u so she does those stuf to let you know she is there it would be nice if you guys seat down and ask her questions and for example ask her to make a noise and stuff :) good luck

  21. before you try anything, there are professional paranormal investigators. if you try to communicate with her, remember she is of the spirit world, which makes the rules change. seek professional help. things like this are no joke, let someone who knows what he or she is doing come in to advise you and your family.

  22. It sounds to me like this ghost is harmless. I would guess that it's the old lady that used to live there just based on what you're saying. She knocks something over and then picks it back up. The window is left open with nobody in the room, she closes it to keep out bugs and save money on the electric bill. It sounds like she is keeping an eye on things for you, and you really have no reason to be afraid. If this ghost had bad intentions, it would have started attacking you in some way not long after moving into the house.

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