
Is the golden medal,real gold?

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Is the golden medal,real gold?




  1. Yes

  2. yeh! but it would be terrible if it was fake!  

  3. of course lol

    but only some parts on it are real  

  4. Ya real gold, plated

  5. no it is not totally gold but it has a little gold in it


  6. not this year the chinese used tin in gold, led paint

  7. Yes, but it's not solid gold. Have you seen when it is turned around? You can see what looks to be a ring of plastic or some material in it, so no, it's not solid gold. Traditionally, you see athletes bite the medal as a "check" to be sure of it's authenticity.  

  8. its not 100% real gold

  9. It was made in China so it has some lead in it.

  10. The Olympic Charter's guidelines

    says it has to be, at least, six

    grams of gold in it.

  11. My Aunt's gold medals weren't real gold, but that was way, way back when. I think nowadays they've been made real gold.

    Much luck.

  12. NO.  

  13. The Gold Medal must have at least 6 grams of pure Gold and Silver medals are required to be 92.5% silver. Bronze Medals have a mix of copper, zinc, tin and some silver.

    The Beijing Olympic Medals are inlaid with jade.

  14. it is not solid gold, it just has some gold in it.

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