
Is the government a two headed dictatorship?

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The same two parties win here in the UK like in the US, this is surely a monopoly, if it was a business the government would force them to be more competitive by selling part of there company off like microsoft and standard oil.




  1. Yes and two fingers to both of them

  2. No, but the best thing that could happen is that the political parties should be restricted to a total of £100.000 in electioneering money and the stake money for each candidate. That would stop the likes of the Labour party, Conservatives and Liberals out spending the smaller parties and make the elections fairer.

  3. What party they are just illusions of choice to fool people  into thinking they have a say in matters. If people knew they were actually classed as cattle they may actually stop supporting there enemies. Do you want puppet on left or right I don`t want either and I spotted the strings along time ago

  4. It not about Britain per se but it can said  of all single party "democracies.";...

  5. of course its a dictatorship. it has been for thirty years now. but its not the MPs who are to blame. its the complacency of the people. when the government says that any vote out side of the main two is a wasted vote the brainless fools actually believe it. some times you have to concede that a people deserve the h**l they make for them selves.

  6. No, because it a democracy, not a Dictatorship, even if two parties tend to alternate.

    There is also the existence of the Liberal Democrats as the third major party.

  7. In the words of the Who "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss". So much of our legislation in the UK originates in the EU that the national government is limited in what it can do nationally. Add to that the fact that most of our senior politicians have done nothing but be involved in politics from a very early age, and you have a political class, divorced from the experiences and concerns of ordinary citizens.  

  8. yep mcsame and  

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