
Is the government doing enough to reduce poverty in the US?

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Question Details: i am doing a persuasive report on this topic and if you have something to say about this matter, plz speak up! i want to know more about what the people think of this issue. had the government done enough? is the governemnt spending too much money on welfare? are americans abusing the benefits?? Or is there MORE to improve? AND HOW?




  1. The Govt's job is to Serve and Protect the Legal Citizens of the U.S.A. and not to indulge in an individuals life. They are however giving away the country, so in that regards yes they have to do more to keep the jobs and the ILLEGALS out. the individual must be responsible for themselves, stop feeling sorry for themselves and stop expecting handouts from the govt.

  2. There probably should be more checks and balances on how the money that poverty stricken cities receive is being spent .  For example, a few years ago members of a NYC Board of Ed were caught spending funds on vacation trips and gambling weekend, one superintendent of schools redecorated her office for thousands of dollars instead of spending it on books...    I think there is more then enough money available - but once it gets in the wrong hands who knows...  We wonder why teachers are fired due to lack of funds...

  3. Low IQ people will always be poor. There is no helping them in any way.

  4. There are many reasons for people living in poverty.  Of course, there are people that can't work because of a disability, age or some othe LEGITIMATE reason.  I don't have a problem in the world helping people who actually need it.

    However, laziness isn't a disability, it's a choice.  

    Personally, I think if you required drug & alcohol testing for welfare & unemployment benefit recipients, there would be fewer claims.

    Also, I hear people complaining about the unemployment rate, yet I see "Help Wanted" signs all over the place.  That just shows me that people are either lazy or welfare pays too well.

    In my view, the government has done all it can to keep people ON welfare & not enough to get them off.

  5. The US government is attempting to subsidize poverty - not reduce it.

    Any time you subsidize something you get more of it.

  6. Unfortunately the democrats think throwing money at the problem will has proven it does not.

    Programs like public welfare were tailored to keep poor minorities dependent on the system thus keeping them from every getting out of poverty.

    The government gives money to programs like Planned Parenthood when every educated person knows that the founder of PP Margaret Sanger was a racist and was trying commit black genocide.

    Democrats have strong holds on school boards and teacher unions in predominately urban why are they still failing the educational needs of these children?

    In the state of Pennsylvania 25,000 kids attend virtual charter schools. 90% of these kids who were from urban areas who have already been left behind have worked very hard to move up to grade level. This is an astonishing achievement. And yet democratic and some republican representatives want to abolish cyber schools. The monoploy on public education..... a system that was model on the Prussian Example of how to raise the future factor workers needs to end.

    How on Earth can we expect our kids to compete with the rest of the world?   Education has always been the key out of poverty....and until we give our children better they will be doomed to fail.

  7. Too much.

    Go to the supermarket and take a good look at the people who use food stamps "the poor" they are fat as hogs!

    Look at the the "poor" from other places in the world, they look like stick men.

  8. Sure.

    Why not?

    Did their very best to curb it.

    But it keep on being mass produce from the faulty production lines with the web - size keep on growing by the day.

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    Without being aware on what went wrong out there.

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    Could not even trace the faults.

    Luke 8.10

    On where did they all sprout out.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  9. Alaska "PAYS" and doesn't tax their residents,it's done with what they call a PFD!

    It's also known as Earth Rights.  Meaning anything coming from the Earth such a minerals, ores, and oil.  Is bought from the alaskan government and that money goes into a fund called a PFD.

    What the h**l is wrong with the federal government?

    Are we here in the lower 48 states worth any less than the alaskans?

    Every member of the house and senate know exactly what Alaska does.

    Yet they continue to scream about they "must" have the income taxes.

    Where is our PFD for the rest of the country?

    This is total BS!


  11. No, they are not!!! If anything they are doing is increasing the dependance on welfare!!! On top of the republican partys giving tax breaks to the rich that dont need it, our higher paying jobs are being exported putting many more on welfare, and many are losing their homes. Also s*x descrimination has a big part in this countries poverty and has a huge impact on our taxes. Because 90% of women in divorce cases get custody handed to them with no questions asked, a big percentage of them are stay at home moms on welfare. Collecting food stamps, child support, and medicade. Our government sexually descriminates against men, expecting the mothers to sit on there butt at home and not have a job. Putting a strain on the system, and also seeing more children back in court for getting in trouble due to the fathers having to put in all the overtime they can just to live being absent in a big portion of childrens lives. Since the government has that kind of mentality, many choose not to work when someone else is making a living for them!!! But, if both parents was made to work, we would have allot less strain on the system not only for welfare but, healthcare as well. This isn't the days of Ozzy and Harriet anymore, and our government shouldn't expect anyone to get a free ride. If the responsabilities between the mother and father was more equal torwards the children, not only would the childrens lives would improve having the father more in there life but, it would also increase tax revenue!!! I admit that not all cases are the same when it comes to custody issues but, there are allot of cases that needs to be reviewed. The question is, what is more important? Do we keep mothers on welfare collecting child support, and food stamps being stay at home moms? or do we require them to get out and get a job sharing responsability of the children reducing child support for the man, and giving the children a more stable home environment having there father around more in there life? The state of indiana has a stake in the child support system mainly because just off of the interest in child support payers alone they make 3,000,000 a year in interest. Imagine what the revenue would be if all the mothers would be working? In a good case, this could work well. The mother and the father could work different shifts, giving the father an equal ammount of time with his kids. Reducing the mothers strain of taking care of everything and benefitting the father with more time with his children and a reduction in child support allowing him to do more with his kids. Keeping a positive role model of both sexes in the childrens lives and the children out of trouble. Realizing this wont apply to everyone in every case, for the ones who does not want to comply with the order, or is deemed unsafe around his own children, child support will continue at full rate as the mother works, allowing her money for child care. Doing the math on how much would be saved finacially and emotionally for all parties envolved would have allot better impact of the economy and crime. When u change this formula around, people will be less likely to cheat, give up on marriage, and bring values and morals back where they belong, and improve the economy benefitting everyone!!!  I realize that not every mother will agree with the way i feel, especially those that receive benfeits themselves but, allot of mothers I think would love to have the chance to work and actually have a retirement, or to go back to school to get a better job. With gas and food prices increasing, what is a single father to do when most are already strained by the system? Welfare is a system of pay out with no pay back, that increases debt on  all!!! It is a trap that keeps people within its clutches and so hard to get off of once you start receiving it. But, it is also a strained system that is going broke for those that truly need it and cant get it. Women fought for there equal rights for years, to work, to vote, for wage but, is it all for nothing if they sit and do nothing with what they fought for? There is deadbeat moms just the same as dads, the only difference is atleast they don't get thrown in jail while breaking the backs of our tax payers!!!

  12. Is that question a joke.

    Or maybe you're a foreigner.

    The government stole everything for an oil war for the oil industry.

    The rest is tax write offs that they don't want Anti-Obama idiots to know about.

  13. This has much less to do with the welfare system and much more to do with corporations.  Republicans can complain all they want about how much welfare costs and how it's abused and Democrats can talk big about the failed welfare system and defend it without fixing it, but the issue here is globalization.  America doesn't make anything anymore.  We've become a consumer economy and many jobs have been shipped overseas where cheap labor is abused in sweatshops.  There was a time when you could quit your job and have a new one by the afternoon.  Now, people working two jobs just to scrape by can't afford to quit or even call in sick!  Is this really America?  The greatest nation in the world?  We need to create jobs and we need to publicly fund the effort to get the homeless BACK into employment!  We need to have more publicly funded methods of drug prevention and rehabilitation!  We need much more affordable housing and better grants for education!  We're only as strong as our weakest citizens.

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